Met a fellow BYC'er In Home Depot today

Another BYCer and I met today at the San Diego Zoo! We brought our two mascots together for a photo op! LOL

I am hoping that seismic chicken will post pictures - I took my pictures on my DH's camera and I don't know how to download from it yet!

LOL - too much fun!
I said the same thing. then one day I was in the chat area and here comes this gal that says WHERE ARE YOU? I told her, and lo and behold she is 1/2 hour away in the middle of no civilization. We are going to get together probably after the holidays! keep hope!!!
BYC has hoodies?!?!?! I have to get one!!! I am a hoodie addict! I only own 7 of them!!!
I even nap in my hoodies. Anyways.....I've met two BYC'ers, Buster and rjv_piper. Both great people!
We ought to have a "BYC T-shirt" Day, where as many BYCers as possible who have a BYC shirt wear them out and about. It could be a yearly BYC holiday. Is there a "National Poultry Day" or anything like that?

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