Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

About shower doors, and showers/ bathrooms in general: Think about 'handicap accessible' now, and do it that way! Grab bars everywhere, they come looking like towel bars, not expensive, and have to be installed on framing some way. Also, a wide enough shower door; we had to get a custom door so the opening is at least 34", and 36" is best. Retrofitting would be a nightmare, do it now!
We're doing the "low step" shower, not a tub. Two grab bars. Hubby is going to mark when the wall studs are for where to put them.
$804 to move a switch??
No, to install a new double switch, and tap into an existing line, and upgrade an outlet to GFCI. Yeah, I had sticker shock too!

We had planned to use another electrician we'd used before, who would very probably have charged less. But he was booked solidly until the end of the month. We couldn't do any more drywall until the wiring and switch were installed. And we can't take out the old shower until we're ready to put in the new one, as this is the only shower in the house.
Your post popped on my email Chick! So, yep always busy. Worked a week up near Gaylord at the Jordan River Hatchery for the F&WS. bought a few feathered out chicks for a dollar each at TSC, Wyandottes and a Brahma. Got a few free Khaki Campbells from a gal down the road, only 4 days old but she couldn't keep them. And our turkey poults are getting pretty big but momma still stays with them and won't leave her pen.

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