Milky droppings sick chick

I'm so sorry that you lost her.

I know it was hard to do a necropsy, I'm not very good at knowing a lot of things.
I'm going to ask that @Eggcessive and @coach723 take a look and offer any thoughts they may have, if any.

I think those are the lungs(?), but I don't really know why they look like that. Aspergillus comes to mind.

To me, the liver looks o.k. but the top of the heart is an odd color, like it was not functioning well.
The texture of the lungs looks normal to me, there may be some hemorrhages, hard to tell if that was caused during necropsy or was already there (I know it is very hard to remove lungs without damaging them). If there were hemorrhages present pre-death, that can mean infection/inflammation, various causes possible, bacterial, viral, etc. Usually they are pink or pink orange, and I can't really judge as different camera's and different monitors may display colors differently, so not sure how accurate to reality what I'm seeing it is.
I assume this is one of the same birds as in this thread?:
The liver on this one looks much more normal than the ones in the other thread.
The texture of the lungs looks normal to me, there may be some hemorrhages, hard to tell if that was caused during necropsy or was already there (I know it is very hard to remove lungs without damaging them). If there were hemorrhages present pre-death, that can mean infection/inflammation, various causes possible, bacterial, viral, etc. Usually they are pink or pink orange, and I can't really judge as different camera's and different monitors may display colors differently, so not sure how accurate to reality what I'm seeing it is.
I assume this is one of the same birds as in this thread?:
The liver on this one looks much more normal than the ones in the other thread.
Hello and thanks for your reply, It's one of them but this one is 5-6 months old, the ones from the other post are around 2 months old but they all had the same diet, I finally managed to find some good feed for them with 20-23% protein 2 days ago, it was really hard finding it and finally replaced the cattle feed but the one that died sadly didn't get the chance to eat any of it

I did damage the lungs badly while taking them out

The chick that died had one of her foot swollen a bit, before she died she was kicking and flapping her wings and can't even pull her neck up head moving left and right quickly don't know how else to describe it, she's small sized compared to her age her and 6 other chicks of the same age due to lack of nutrition for sure

Could it be that she ate some poison?
Although i doubt we have any poison around here but they do wander far away sometimes to the neighbors farms around us

One thing i know they ate is styrofoam they love eating it and I've been doing my best to keep it away from them but they keep finding more, I didn't see any of it in the gizzard however
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From here, I can't say if the swelling in the foot is disease based (some virus's can cause joint swelling, like mycoplasma synoviae) or if it may have been an injury. The thrashing and flapping may have just been death throws, a neurological reaction the process of death, which is common. Without seeing it, I can't say if that's what it was. I don't see any styrofoam in the gizzard, while that is not optimal for them to eat and I would try to prevent it, they often pass things like that with no issues. I had a group of birds eat 3 feet of black foam pipe insulation once, none of them suffered any apparent issues from it. As far as poison, again hard to say, often that will cause internal hemorrhage, which I'm not really seeing, it would depend on the type of poison as to what you might be looking for. One spot on the digestive tract I question, looks to be where the duodenal loop would have been, doesn't look quite right, you might open that up and see if there is any blockage there, or other abnormality. That is below/after the gizzard in digestion.
A couple of images below for reference, below your picture where I circled what I'm referring to:

Normal digestive systems:

From here, I can't say if the swelling in the foot is disease based (some virus's can cause joint swelling, like mycoplasma synoviae) or if it may have been an injury. The thrashing and flapping may have just been death throws, a neurological reaction the process of death, which is common. Without seeing it, I can't say if that's what it was. I don't see any styrofoam in the gizzard, while that is not optimal for them to eat and I would try to prevent it, they often pass things like that with no issues. I had a group of birds eat 3 feet of black foam pipe insulation once, none of them suffered any apparent issues from it. As far as poison, again hard to say, often that will cause internal hemorrhage, which I'm not really seeing, it would depend on the type of poison as to what you might be looking for. One spot on the digestive tract I question, looks to be where the duodenal loop would have been, doesn't look quite right, you might open that up and see if there is any blockage there, or other abnormality. That is below/after the gizzard in digestion.
A couple of images below for reference, below your picture where I circled what I'm referring to:
View attachment 3936327
Normal digestive systems:
View attachment 3936328
View attachment 3936332
You're right it was death throws, English isn't my main language so I'm having a hard time expressing it all, sorry!

That part you circled i actually did open that because I thought it looked weird, It had some tiny bits of white stuff similar to feed texture couldn't tell what it was, could've been a blockage indeed but I thought it's just food passing through
Hello again, got another one with the same issue now after a while, she's 5 month old, no symptoms other than eyes closing and sleeping like that as shown in the pictures, she's not dropping her wings, I don't see any mites, I just recently dewormed her using piperazine (3-4 days ago) also I gave them B1 vaccine in water about 10 days ago everyone else seems fine
I'm feeding them Chick starter mixed with tiny crushed corn

Still didn't get the chance to take a picture of her droppings...

Got her started on antibiotics and vitamins but she didn't drink just yet

Could it be that she's gonna die duo to nutritional deficiency? She's small for her size her and the other 6 of her batch, They grew up eating boiled burgl wheat then after that cattle feed until 15 days ago when i found a good starter feed i switched to that

Any help would be appreciated, I can't figure why are they dying


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Managed to get some dropping pictures (looks the same as the droppings from the chick who died)
She's eating starter and drinking, I'll be giving her a boiled quail egg shortly as well along with the antibiotics and vitamins in water, i hope she recovers, still waiting for any input on what could've caused this


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Starting to think it's Enteritis/Intestinal inflammation I've went ahead and gave it half a tablet of flagyl rather than sitting and watching it decline and die, obviously the same meds I used for the last chick didn't work

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