Mini American Game Breeding Project(From Scratch)(And Discussion Thread)

Do you have any muffed bantams or are you keeping them strictly game fowl. There are muffed varieties of standard gamefowl.
Trying to stay strictly gamefowl, but a 1 generation mix of something else probably wouldn't hurt.

I got bearded silkies, & a Silkie/D'uccle mix.

I got Easter Egger hens, full sized, & a Black Ameraucana.
Do you have any muffed bantams or are you keeping them strictly game fowl. There are muffed varieties of standard gamefowl.
Yep, there's muffed American Gamefowl, but they're harder to find.

Won't worry about adding muffs until I'm done with these first one's though.
Polish may be a good option. That way you don’t have to worry about feathered feet or vulture hocks creeping in.
I don't think I'd go the polish route as I'm not for Vaulted Skulled breeds.

Feathered, & Vulture Hocks I don't care as I do have a mini project that involves a Fibro Feather legged gamefowl I'm calling Silver Shadows.
The project isn't active yet.
One of my Blue Face Hatch hens is having issues. Not totally sure what it is, but it's effecting her feathers(weird looking), her wings are abit droopy, walk is abit off balance, comb is very shrunken, eyes are abit glassy/glazed just slightly(I've seen this in Vitamin A Deficiency).
My hen with issues. She was healthy up until now.
Will be posting a thread so I can get help with diagnosis.

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