(Mini Project #2.) Silver Shadow, breed.

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OEGBs are fun. I'm just moving away from standards. I want to get Old English Standards, but not sure where to get them.

Malays are pretty easy, but I have no experience with the American Games. Only variation I have is Cracker Hens, which behave more like JungleFowl.
American games are real pretty! But I have no experience with either Malays nor American games, I just find them pretty.
American games are real pretty! But I have no experience with either Malays nor American games, I just find them pretty.
American Games are pretty. I do agree with that.

Malays too are pretty, also very intelligent, & very protective of the flock. They do need a good smacking around by the older ladies to learn manners though.
They are! Like you either have one to the fullest or none at all! :lau
Should I go Floof like this?
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