
Well on here he is Duluthralphie. I dont feel comfortable giving out names without consent... Pm him if u want....

I meant his username, or what he looks like. I met a guy with a mustache that was very smart about chickens. He was 20's or 30's, dark hair. Wondering if it might have been the same person. There was a lot of people there though. I think there were even Amish people there, which was pretty neat. I admire the idea of how they live.
I meant his username, or what he looks like. I met a guy with a mustache that was very smart about chickens. He was 20's or 30's, dark hair. Wondering if it might have been the same person. There was a lot of people there though. I think there were even Amish people there, which was pretty neat. I admire the idea of how they live.

Ralphie is a retiree and quite witty. I've never met him but I am sure he is a very distinct character haha
The chickens are out playing in the sun and we are off to @Minniechickmama's neck of the woods for an early bird kickball tournament in mazeppa. I will wave on my way by!

Talk to you all later. Enjoy your day!
Thursday that buff orp who is ill wouldn't leave the dog kennel, so left her for the day with feed and water.
Friday morning she was not looking good at all, left her in kennel but tied open coop door so sun would shine in. Came home expecting to cull her, but I saw that she had knocked her feed and water bowls over and by flashlight, well, she looked ok.
This morning, opened the coop and she was pacing in front of the cage door wanting out!

Let everyone out and she grazed with the others, looks good, so....she is back . Flock was happy to eat green grass.

While supervising in case that blasted neighbor dog comes back, I heard bluebirds! So cleaned out the houses and soaped up the bottom boards where the wasps like to build nests. Trumpeter swans overhead, turkeys strutting and gobbling, it sure seems like spring to me.

Enjoy the day, I'm off to pick pussywillows.
I have seen two Robins and there are loads of blackbirds going through. I have heard the resident Red-winged Black birds are back on the property too. Then last night as it was getting passed sundown and I was heading in from the coops, I heard two pheasant roosters calling to their flocks. My hydrant that has been stuck for a few days suddenly works again. It might have had some ice down below, but I have only had it freeze once when I forgot to disconnect and drain the hose one Spring. It worked better yesterday than it ever has, so I am scratching my head.
I have a question. Since I crossed a fast feathering Australorp roo over a slow feathering cochin the chick could be feather sexed right? Its definetly a splash since there are black and white feathers shafts on the blue chick. And its shafts are long too
Weather cooperated and I got the inside of the coop painted at the suggestion of MCM. What may look like a sloppy job to many is actually a memory I'll cherish forever, my 2 year old insisted on helping so I gave her a brush and we went to town on it! Birds coming in the next few weeks so we are beyond excited!
Weather cooperated and I got the inside of the coop painted at the suggestion of MCM. What may look like a sloppy job to many is actually a memory I'll cherish forever, my 2 year old insisted on helping so I gave her a brush and we went to town on it! Birds coming in the next few weeks so we are beyond excited!

Awesome! It looks great!

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