Miscellaneous Meeps - Hatching my Dreams

I set just one Swedish Flower Hen egg in the Brinsea Connect test hatch. It's unrelated to my 2 cockerels I kept so I was hoping for a cockerel! It hatched and based on color, it looked to be what I wanted 😁 now at 4 1/2 weeks old, it is still the color a typical cockerel chick would be, but.... I think it's a pullet :eek:

Here she is!
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You get too many boys when you don't want them, and not enough when you do! 🤣 She's a cutie! ❤️
You get too many boys when you don't want them, and not enough when you do! 🤣 She's a cutie! ❤️
So true! Of the 3 silkies I kept from this last hatch it looks like 3 are boys, I don't need any more boys of that breed 🤣

This Swedish Flower Hen pullet is a splash, she will cross really well with either of my cockerels I kept, the blue based or the black based. I won't use her with the splash boy because I like having a lot of color variety and that pair would give 100% splash chicks.
I set just one Swedish Flower Hen egg
I'm watching you Tink....

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Well, I've avoided plugging in the incubator, but now I have two broody pullets. A silkie from my first hatch of the year, and a silkie x layer cross from my second hatch.

I have three breeding pens set up but haven't seen any fertilized eggs yet, in fact, two breeding pens are now on egg strikes, so just eggs from one pen but no luck there. The only eggs I have that are fertilized are from my bantam EE who flies out of her coop to hang with Chonkers. They can then leave the building and be free range chickens whenever they want during the day.

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