Miscellaneous Meeps - Hatching my Dreams

I set just one Swedish Flower Hen egg in the Brinsea Connect test hatch. It's unrelated to my 2 cockerels I kept so I was hoping for a cockerel! It hatched and based on color, it looked to be what I wanted 😁 now at 4 1/2 weeks old, it is still the color a typical cockerel chick would be, but.... I think it's a pullet :eek:

Here she is!
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You get too many boys when you don't want them, and not enough when you do! 🤣 She's a cutie! ❤️
You get too many boys when you don't want them, and not enough when you do! 🤣 She's a cutie! ❤️
So true! Of the 3 silkies I kept from this last hatch it looks like 3 are boys, I don't need any more boys of that breed 🤣

This Swedish Flower Hen pullet is a splash, she will cross really well with either of my cockerels I kept, the blue based or the black based. I won't use her with the splash boy because I like having a lot of color variety and that pair would give 100% splash chicks.

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