Mischief Manor!

Addicted To Chickens

Crossing the Road
Premium Feather Member
Hey, Hello everyone! This is Addicted to Chickens! I just love starting threads.:p I decided to make a thread for my coop. I'm just going to call my coop and this thread Mischief Manor! My chickens are full of mischief and craze so I do believe they should get some honor in what they do. I'm going to have a hard time posting pictures of them since my camera is awful blurry but it's still really fun to tell they're stories. I'll just be posting the crazy things that they do each day just to brighten things up a bit. Feel free to post pictures of your own fluffballs as well!:rolleyes:
Today my lovely RIR Henrietta had a glorious time trying to lay her egg in the woods behind my house! While we were looking for her she crept into a small bramble thicket and tryed to get comfortable in her nest. She spent almost an hour digging around and putting leaves on top of herself to adjust the perfect nest to lay and egg. Finally we had to bring her inside since she was taking to long!
Hey Y'all! I'm The Chick Addict and I am actually Addicted to Chickens sister and we'll be working together here. I'd like to introduce ourselves. We've been city girls our whole life until we moved to the countryside of Far North Texas last year in January. Our first animals to join the family were our rabbits, Annie, Nash and Maybelline. We then got our chickens not long after, and got our goats a month after the chickens. We really dived in quick! Each one of our animal family members has a special story and we'll be sharing more soon. We may be here frequently so not every day, but enjoy our stories! 💚
I'll help start off. We moved to our little homestead of 3.49 (practically 3 and half) acres in the Texoma area of Texas on Years Day in January 2022. We have a little gravel road that separates the wilder side of the property from the more civilized side. On the "wilder" side we have our chickens and goats. Our chicken coop was built by hand out of leftover materials on our land and is quite large and very strong. We have pretty Horse Apple and Sugar Berry trees lining the fence on the back of our property and it provides nice shade for us and our animals. We have 2 dogs, 2 cats, 25 chickens, 3 rabbits, and 3 goats. Each of them will have their own story that I will post. Thanks for reading! 💚
Annie, Nash, and Maybelline:

After almost a month of living here, we went to go pick up our pet rabbits, Annie, Nash, and Maybelline. It was about January 26, 2022. We drove an 1 hour and 15 minutes to go pick them up. We were given them for free and all of their supplies along with them. When we got home, we set up their hutch inside the house and helped them get settled in. After a while, Annie, who is Addicted to Chickens rabbit, started acting up and after a couple of months, we had to move them outside. Me and my dad spent the day putting their hutch on stilts and putting flooring on it and by the evening we had it all set up. This is what our rabbit hutch set up looks like: (we like to reuse and recycle) on the wooden floor of their hutch we use these two pieces of black rubber hardware and then put 2 bags of empty chicken feed on top. THEN we put 2 bags of empty goat feed sacks, which are made out of heavy duty cardboard paper. The black rubber helps prevent the floor from getting ruined by the rabbit's potty (😂) and the empty feed sacks help soak up it up. As their bedding, we tried out the leftover Blue Rye Grass cuttings and hay but it started becoming a hassle so we had to move to pine shavings. They are honestly doing much better outside and enjoy it a lot. We set up 2 X-pens around their extra ground hutch as their play area which we'll frequently put them out their to get some exercise. And that's the story of Annie, Nash, and Maybelline! Annie is Addicted to Chickens rabbit, Nash is mine, and Maybelline is our young sister's. We'll add posts about them here too. :D;)💚

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