Missing eye!!!

She's doing better?! That's good:)

Sorry to hear that you are dealing with Infectious Coryza, unfortunately, sometimes a new bird can bring disease to a flock.
She was doing better!! But unfortunately something caught her bc she was quarantined so she was easier to catch. We just found her dead today after coming back from lunch. Not sure what could have gotten in the kennel we had her in since it would have had to get in through the base of it. Plus the way it ate her was strange
She's doing better?! That's good:)

Sorry to hear that you are dealing with Infectious Coryza, unfortunately, sometimes a new bird can bring disease to a flock.
Also is coryza carried on the eggs? If I wanted to start a new flock with eggs from these chickens would the babies be carries?
Also is coryza carried on the eggs? If I wanted to start a new flock with eggs from these chickens would the babies be carries?
It's possible it could be carried ON the eggs, but it's not transmitted into the embryo.

Birds with Infectious Coryza are carriers for life and may shed intermittently throughout their lifetime. Main source of transmission is through bird to bird contact, through shared feed/water.

Even if you did hatch chick from the eggs, if you house them with or near the existing flock that has Infectious Coryza, it's very possibly they would contract the disease through transmission on shoes, dust/dander, etc.

Are you convinced this is the disease you are dealing with? Just because a bird has a swollen eye with pus, it does not necessarily mean they have Infectious Coryza. Testing will confirm it, so think about getting some diagnostics.

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