Mites - I've tried EVERYTHING - Please help

I have heard of using Vicks Vapo-rub on their legs, and around the vent area for mites and lice... Makes them smell a little funny, but it works (I have a friend who uses it)
Oh my gosh!!!
Thanks everybody for the great ideas!!!

Bob is lame because Big Daddy, another rooster went after him when he was little and he's never been the same. His poor feet are balled up. I do what I call "physical therapy" with him. He gets around OK but I have to carry him a lot of the time.

He has his own condo and court yard away from the others so they don't peck at him.

Hey us chicken people are all a little crazy!!
I love my chicks like my other animals. He is very sweet and jumps in my arms every night to go in the house, only when it's cold.....yes he sits under the kitchen table on my feet.....until bed time then he hobbles over to his tub.
The Adams flea & tick mist can be found at Walmart, I lift up each wing and give a small mist and then under the tail. I then mist the living area and surrounding, making sure to have taken up food/water bowel. I let it dry, then return things back in the area.
Over Run With Chickens,

Thanks there was a lot of information there!!!

That would explain why Bob has mites because he doesn't dust and he can't walk so he's a sitting duck for mites! (ha ha poultry humor)

Colorado Chicken Chick
if you use DE - make sure it is FOOD GRADE...

just wanted to point that out...

it works wonderfully on mites...and all other insects/bugs. Do a search on Diatomacious Earth on here and you will find a score of information on its uses.
I like to use Adams flea and tick spray, it last up to two weeks, I don't like using alot of insecticides so I also use diatomacious(I am not sure how to spell it) earth, its all natural and that way I don't use much insecticide. When I have found scaley leg mites I will melt a jar of vaseline in a pot of water and add some vet RX to it then let it turn solid again, I will treat 3 times in the first week, then once a week till new scales are growing back, seems to work great.

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