MJ's little flock

The past 2 nights Snow and Belle have snuggled in together underneath the ramp that goes up to the coop where Bok is instead of in their cubby house coop. I lift them one by one onto the ramp and give their fluffy butts a little push so they go into the coop. They settle down together right next to the door, opposite end to Bok with a few long cheeps then are fine until morning when they all come out together.
I should say I don’t close the door at nights anymore, never had issues with predators and run is secure enough, plus our dog is very alert to protect them. It’s Aussie summer, bit wetter this year but still quite warm. This means they have the option to leave if they want and for the mornings it helps to know there’s not a blood bath going on inside if I’m not up early enough.
Am I doing the right thing? Or am I rushing them? Should I be putting them back in their cubby house instead?
They are such beautiful silly Billies, just want to be doing right by them and Bokky 🥰
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Good evening MJ and everyone 🙂

Hmmm welllll they weren't here long and only dug the post holes. I had been told the posts would be up today but that's ok, I prefer slow progress as it gives me more time to think.

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There are a few tools strewn about though.

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And we've agreed they're going to paint it too, which I'm very happy about.

Slow and steady will hopefully get the job done right !
I think some of the more physical characteristics might be determined by breed, but even then you get the oddballs.
What I don't believe has anything to do with breed is personality.
If it were true, then it seems reasonable that it would apply to all species and that includes us. It doesn't though.
The other thing that should make one doubt the breeds personality stuff is right here on BYC.
Set up a poll on which chicken breed was the most friendly for example and get enough responses and it looks more like a coin toss.
It's a bit like the dangerous dog by breed debate. Once a particular view gets established then people buy that breed and train it to be dangerous and the myth rolls on.
Treat the dangerous dog in another way and you are likely to get a different dog personality wise.
It doesn't make any sense for a chicken to be any different to any other animal in this respect and there is no evidence to support such views.
Getting a similar size; yes, lots of evidence that this works.
Getting chickens that look similar; yes, lots of evidence for this as well.
Some chickens are better at evading predators then others; evidence for this to.
Some make better foragers, yup, evidence for that.
One breed is inhernetly nicer than another; zero evidence and lots of anecdotal stuff that shows the opposite.
EEs are tha bomb!!!!! My favorite by far! So gorgeous! Colored eggs.. maybe :p.... Great layers! Gorgeous! Friendly... mostly! Gorgeous! I think maybe all I really had to do was post a pic of everyone’s favorite.... 😉View attachment 2473989
Claudine!!!! 🥰
I agree. It's just I'd seen it & wondered if you knew about it ~ & given the American propensity for meddling [sorry all my American peeps] it doesn't seem beyond the realms of possibility that it's @ least been tried ~ even if unsuccessfully.

I think I have seen something on the Swedish woman too. It's the sort of odd thing that interest me.
Not feeling well, I'm going to let this slide today. 🤨
Oh! I didn't realise the history was so long. Surely if they've been delivering chicks since 1918, they'd know how to do it right by now. But I still share your preference for driving them straight home.
Hattie came as a chick by mail. 🤫
The English are meddling champions surely? Although the Belgians and French gave them a run for their money.

Tax of Janet on her very first afternoon at my house. I gave her bread so that she'd love her new home. The proper chicken food is out of the frame.

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Wonderful memory! Thanks for sharing.

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