What I've found with older hens coming to the end of their laying life without any signs of reproductive problems or other serious health issues is the eggs get less frequent, more oval than round and the shells get thinner. I've had hens go through this and they've been fine. A few have gone broody once their laying life is over and will take over a junior hens nest.She's been laying regularly for almost a month.
Hopefully she'll have her usual cheerful attitude in the morning. She's going on 7 years old, so she could be winding up her egg production. We often hear about pullets laying unusual eggs, but no one ever says much about their older hens.
Getting a series of lash eggs in older hens is usually a sign of reproductive problems and given how difficult these can be to fix, I've not expected that hen to live for much longer.
They are no different to us in this respect, few die of ripe old age. Mostly it's a health issue that puts us down, often a combination of health issues. It's the way it is unfortunately.
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