modified diet during a molt?

I'd just feed the grower or all flock and not worry about mixing anything. No need to overcomplicate things, best to keep it simple. I myself feed kalmbach's flock maker pellets and that works well (it's also available in crumbles). You could try that if you'd like to stay with the same brand
Is it necessary to modify my hen's diet during their molt? What are your experiences?
Moult is a metabolic process to replace feathers, but it does not affect just the feathers. The thymus glands and the spleen at least hypertrophy during moult, and there are probably other metabolic changes afoot as well (I am currently waiting for a book on the subject to arrive).

The bird's body is building feathers of several types, all of which are intended to last a year, outdoors, in all weathers, wherever that bird lives. Obviously it will work with whatever it's got, but the more complete and the better quality the protein available, the better the feathers are likely to be. And better feathers usually lead to better health and a more comfortable year for the bird - feathers provide protection, insulation, flight option etc.

So I generally give more animal protein when birds are moulting, and on an individual basis if they ask for it. It is also naturally the time of maximum insect populations they can find when foraging, such as flying ants, so they are probably getting extra there too. I do not give any commercial feed. The health, fecundity and vigour of my flock shows the benefits of this approach, to my satisfaction, in my environment.
NUTRINA 22% Egg Producer... I have been feeding this for the last year or so. It helped during last yrs molt to speed things up. Along with black oil sunflower seeds and soaked alfalfa pellets.
I feed 20% flock raiser all year long, with oyster shell in a separate feeder for the active layers. Simple and has worked well for 10+ years.

You know feather fixer does not 'fix' feathers?
It's just an 18% layer feed, same calcium percentage as most layer feeds. When it first came out it had some kind of proprietary insecticide to target feather shaft mites which was outlawed and they had to take it out, still keeping the misleading cover label.
Marketing ploys tick me off.
what brand of feed do you use?
It is that time of year when it looks like a chicken exploded in the coop--molting has begun and feathers are everywhere! What can I do to help them get through it? I've read multiple sources with conflicting advice ranging from:

1. increasing protein with supplements to their typical rations (meal worms
2. temporarily switching from a layer feed to a grower feed during molt (for increased protein)
3. switching to a low protein/high energy "resting" diet
4. do nothing--continue with normal laying rations

My girls are currently fed Kalmbach 17% protein layer feed. I am asking for the collective wisdom of the forum: Is it necessary to modify my hen's diet during their molt? What are your experiences?
Since I just ordered 50# of layer feed, I don't want to get something else. I think perhaps increasing protein intake, but not too much. I know I'm a soup & french bead fanatic during the winter, but I don't molt; but with colder weather adding a bit more protein surely wouldn't hurt.
It is that time of year when it looks like a chicken exploded in the coop--molting has begun and feathers are everywhere! What can I do to help them get through it? I've read multiple sources with conflicting advice ranging from:

1. increasing protein with supplements to their typical rations (meal worms
2. temporarily switching from a layer feed to a grower feed during molt (for increased protein)
3. switching to a low protein/high energy "resting" diet
4. do nothing--continue with normal laying rations

My girls are currently fed Kalmbach 17% protein layer feed. I am asking for the collective wisdom of the forum: Is it necessary to modify my hen's diet during their molt? What are your experiences?
I feed my flock Nutrena NatureWise Feather Fixer during a molt. Not all of my chickens molt, however. They love the feed and it seems to work great. Plus they get a lot of dried mealworms on a regular basis. My flock are free rangers also and eat only Purina products other than the feather fixer. Purina has a pellet containing black fly larvae which is extra protein, too.
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