Most Handsome Rooster Contest! CONTEST CLOSED!

Name: Nemo, he had a damaged wing when he was delivered with ten other baby roosters from ideal as packing peanuts. We called it his "lucky fin".
Breed: Silver Laced wyandotte.
Age: 18 Weeks
Disposition: He was the first chick to want to be held and the only rooster of 11 that would let me pick him up and hold him in my lap. He is the sweetest bird I own. Very attentive to his ten hens. He still likes to be held and have his back stroked. He was also the only one with a single comb, the rest were the usual rose comb.
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Bonjour! Je m'appel "Jaques"! (Because he looks like one of those french roosters from the paintings)
Partridge Plymouth Rock Standard- Two and a half years old
personality- Courageous, friendly but not cuddly. He is more like my assistant manager than my friend. He defends his ladies fiercely but isnt mean to them. He is a good father to the chicks. His offspring all inherit his dark red overtones and his broad size.

"Not too close to the babies, please!"

This is our farm picture on local harvest. I get lots of compliments!
Name (if applicable): Kid rock
Age: 7 months-8months
Breed: Blue laced red wyandotte
Personality: Tough, protective

Name (if applicable): Uncle Kracker
Age: 7-8 months
Breed: blue laced red wyandott
Personality: Protective

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