Mottled Java!!

I have 4 mottled Java chicks. Ranging from week old to 8 weeks. They are so skittish. Is this their normal behavior?
I'm not any expert here but yes, skittish is normal. They're also prone to be more aggressive at a young age in my (very limited) experience. It will diminish some. I'm now sitting with my 7.5 week olds until they warm up to me one by one. The boys are always happier to investigate than the girls. Skittish is good though, in my opinion, because I free range and want them to be alert.... But to also recognize me as friend and not foe. Might just take some time. Are they with a mother hen or no?
No they arent with mother hen. I am their mother lol. I hipe they calm down. I sit with them quite frequently and have other chicks that eat from my uand and beg for attention. My javas act like im trying to kill them. Hopefully they warm up to me. Thanks!!!
Good morning, happy New Year, hope all is well. I am watching my 3.5 month olds grow out and have 2 cockerels to choose from. Ill have 4 pullets laying around April which will really add to my egg production. My mottled Javas lay regularly (even now in December) so I think they'll put out 7 dozen a month.
How's everyone else doing?
Hey there, Elemes! We're doing well over here. My 18 week old mjavas are growing up well. I have 4 cockerels to choose from. I do have an early favorite, for his size and good rooster/flock management qualities, but that could change. I need to take the time to really evaluate them. I hope to keep two--- I've always liked to have a back-up. We free range, and the rooster, if he does his job, is usually the first one to go.

I have 6 pullets growing out from the same group. Most look to be pretty awesome, in their size and shape. One is on the tiny side, and seems to be a little grumpy. She's flogged me a couple of times now. Funny, at her size now... but we shall see if her temperament changes.

I can't wait for these to start laying!!! My old hens from my mixed flock are just starting back up now.
That's great! How many hens do you have overall? I am wary of keeping 2, as I got rid of 4 roosters already in 2016. I've got 9 hens so 3 boys will be too many For me.
I have one puller that is just about the goofiest chicken I've met, she needs help finding her way out/in spaces where her siblings manage just fine but she's adorable.
I love the downy feathers in this breed.
Happy to hear all is well!
Well, the mottled javas are 6 pullets. I also have one delaware pullet of the same age. Then I have 12 hens, mostly EE, but a couple welsummers and a new hampshire, ranging in age from 1 to 3 years old. I also have an ee roo that I adore. Still not sure if I will let him go when the mj come of age. May need to move him and some girls back to the small coop.

I sent off 6 ee cockerels this fall. I have had luck keeping two roosters in the flock as long as they were raised together and understand eachother to fall into an alpha beta relationship. Free ranging is also the key to keep everyone happy. I must say... my hens do not always look beautiful when I have had extra roosters, but I have also never lost any to predators with so many watchful eyes! The mottled java cockerels are not hassling any hens yet, so things are peaceful. My roo likes a peaceful flock, reminding anyone who is too loud or flapping around to get back in line. One of the things I love so much about him.
Some of them.
Guess who is FINALLY starting to get eggs from the Mottled Java pullets?? The boys are finally starting to get the courage to notice the girls, too, which means I have some decisions to make!!
Guess who is FINALLY starting to get eggs from the Mottled Java pullets?? The boys are finally starting to get the courage to notice the girls, too, which means I have some decisions to make!!

That's great! I'm down to 3 of 4 pullets from my last batch and 1 of 2 cockerels. He just crowed this week for the first time. I only have one other rooster at the moment, not a Java, and he's young-ish (not yet a year old). We wi see how it plays out.
I'm big on temperment and the other Cockerel was too much. He was walking on necks, picking at his mates, challenging everyone - what a fighter!
I'm hoping for eggs from this latch hatch in the coming month. :fl

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