Multi breed hatch along


Premium Feather Member
15 Years
Dec 22, 2009
Hill Country Texas
I lost 60-70% of my hens to a malfunctioning auto door and fox/coyote. Roosters were separated and safe. The ones remaining were getting long in the beak and the roosters as well. I paired up one Shetland hens pair, BCM, and Siverrudes blues. I then ordered some eggs on this site for Shetland hens and lemon owlbeards. I have a shipment of chicks coming to include Shetland hens, belfeldiers, Americanas, cream legbars. Timing the hatch to the arrival of the chicks.

I have jersey Giants coming later in the summer….

Not sure what your asking?
In some hatch-a-longs people can "claim" an egg to cheer on and give it a name, usually based on a theme set by OP. For example, my last (first) hatch-a-long was tomato themed and people chose names based on tomato varieties like Cherry and Bumble Bee. It's a fun way for people to interact with the hatch.

If you want, you can start a thread in the Hatch-a-long forum.
In some hatch-a-longs people can "claim" an egg to cheer on and give it a name, usually based on a theme set by OP. For example, my last (first) hatch-a-long was tomato themed and people chose names based on tomato varieties like Cherry and Bumble Bee. It's a fun way for people to interact with the hatch.

If you want, you can start a thread in the Hatch-a-long forum.
Name away…. lol

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