Aug 10, 2020
Hello! Advice needed on adding another coop and another flock.

Here is current situation: I have 4 existing 6yr old hens. They free range in a huge, movable fence and live in a movable coop (palace) I built on a trailer.

This June, I received 43 new chicks (lost one, so 42).

To meet space suggestions for the coop (I'm using 2.5 square feet per bird inside the coop), I have placed 14 of the new birds with the 4 existing birds into the old movable coop, and have started construction on an additional movable coop, which will house the other 28 new birds. So in the end I will have 2 movable coops.

The remaining 28 birds are still in our great room in huge dog playpens that have been connected together. We have one known lakenvelder roo (accidental), with a possibility of 5 other lavender orpingtons that were in a straight run.

The intent is to combine all the birds into one flock, with two coops.

1. Is it ok to put them all (including the 28 still in my house) out in my existing coop for a week or two, until the new coop is finished? (Old coop is approx 45.5 square feet), but new birds are not full grown yet. It would give them just under 1 square foot per bird for a few weeks. My thought in doing this is to not split up the flock of new chicks, get them all some fresh air and grass and also get the new adorable roo outside, LOL, and get my great room (and sanity back) :)

2. If I do put them all in the old coop temporarily, will they split up into both coops eventually, or all cram into the old coop? The new coop was also a ton of $, as I had to buy the trailer for it, plus most of the wood and whatever I could reclaim, so its not only me wanting more space per bird, but I also want to make sure I didn't waste an investment building the new coop!

3. Though I prefer to put them out temporarily into the existing coop, I can also wait and then add the 28 remaining to the new coop when its done, if it means the 28 will then stay there and the square foot per bird will be equal for all of them. If I go that route, how to I do that?
I feel like the 28 that were kept inside, upon re-introduction, might be considered a whole new flock, as they are now separated from the other 14 new ones that are now outside. Lastly, I kept the roo inside for now. Will this cause any issues when he is reunited with the 14 I put in the old coop, plus the 4 older girls?

Thank you so much for your help! I can attach pics if needed!

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