Multiple Hens Limping

Sorry that you lost the Sussex. Could you send or take in her body to your state vet lab for a necropsy tomorrow am? The body should be kept cold but not frozen. You can restart the medicated chick feed, but I would use flock raiser/all flock feed when I can get some. Could her feet be bruised? Chicken bruises are sometimes green, and sometimes blue. Could they be injured?
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I’m not sure how, but I guess anything is possible if the coop goes crazy 😂. I’m hoping we don’t lose her and I’m trying to find anything I can. One of those feet definitely looks a little bigger than the other and we didn’t notice it previously, so maybe in another day it will prove irrelevant or turn into something we can see better. Thank you for responding and all of your help.
I reached out to one of the labs yesterday and got info. I didn’t save her body though. I’m in panic mode with 3 that were acting odd so I wanted to clear house of her asap. I am really wondering if it has to do with transitioning them to layers feed too soon and it negatively affecting them. The ones we have lost have almost been exclusively right before laying age or just after they started.

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