My $1200 egg!!!

I still get excited every time I see eggs in the laying box. Going on about 10 years now...You will break even in about 5 years.

I bought a chicken coop for 2 rabbits I had. After they died it became the home of 4 Dutch bantams. Break even was probably a lot sooner. But who cares?
I love their characters, watching them interact and the fact they gives me fresh eggs 😻

If people had the need to break even with the animals they keep…. they wouldn’t have so many pets like cats and dogs for sure.
This is some of what they call Chicken Math. The baby chicks are so cute and cheap until you start building a coop buying food and then toys. In northern climates you then realize you need to spend more to keep water from freezing and the costly modifications to the coop to give them a space to keep the snow and wind from turning them into snow chickens.

You alway remember your first egg!
Lol, we regularly have 100° days where I am, so I put air conditioning in mine

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