My 2nd Duck Hatch!

Lovely! I’m so jealous that you can handle your little ones. I guess that’s the benefit of hatching from an incubator, no Mama duck to threaten (and follow through with) violence if one simply thinks of having a quick duckling cuddle…
Yes, last year my 3 mama ducks hatched babies and they wouldn’t let me touch them. But I do love that they have that great mothering instinct!
19 days old!
I did not anticipate so much duck social drama and my ducks are making me feel like a jerk today. The babies were outgrowing their pen fast, so I moved them in with Speck and moved Speck’s 3 boyfriends out with the rest of the flock. Speck’s boyfriends were too aggressive to be with the babies and Speck can’t live with 3 drakes long term anyway. But now Speck is crying and very upset 😢 The babies are ok and Speck is so upset she’s ignoring them.
I am sorry for laughing but aren't these ducks just like kids. Hopefully she'll realize she has a new set of friends to show around.
Look how big the ducklings are my goodness.
The babies got to try ice water for the first time today. I saw videos of people letting their ducks drink ice cubes and water so I thought I’d try. At first they were scared of it but then they had fun. Even Speck liked it. I added their sprouted oats and they enjoyed that too


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The babies are 4 weeks old. Beauty, Lovely, and Fancy are occasionally quacking. The others are all peeping. Do they still have time for a voice change or are they probably boys? 3 out of 6 will be better than my last hatch, but I’d really like some more layers!

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