My chick seems to be losing weight

I mean, it’s better than nothing but the chick is probably starving. You **need** a chick starter with at least 18% to 20% protein. Scramble up an egg asap and give it to the bird. Right now, varying in deficiency depending on what seed you’re feeding, this bird is not getting enough protein at all.
I have been giving her some mashed up egg yolk to give her extra fats and nutrients.
I think feeding just scrambled eggs would be better than bird seed. A chick cannot digest seeds without grit so as other have said, it is starving. Get chick starter as soon as possible. Hopefully the chick will bounce back with proper feed.
I have been giving her mashed up egg yolk as a supplement to the seed as I know seed isn't the best for her alone. But it's all I have until I can get to the pet store. She also does have grit.
I read on another post about chicks not gaining weight that kefir is good for them as they can digest it easier. Could I also give her that too? I do also have some freeze dried meal worms as well but I wasn't sure if dried meal worms was OK (my pet store doesn't stock fresh ones)
How is your chick doing @QuailKeeper1992 ?
Hi, my chick is growing so fast. She eats so much chick starter now and she loves mashed boiled egg yolks. As soon as I put it into her enclosure, she dives into it. And I give her a bit of lactose free kefir from time to time and she loves that too, as do all of my quails. She has been moved out of the brooder box now because she is big enough to sustain her own temperature.

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