My chickens like sleeping up high in their coop. Should I change something here?

My chickens like to be as high as they can possibly get. It's what they would do in the wild and even though they are domesticated now they still have that basic urge to get as high above predators as they can. If they have choices and they choose to roost up high, I'd let them. They know that they like. In the winter you might want to put something (sheet, plastic, etc.) over the wire behind them to 1)keep the cold breeze off them and 2)keep predator hands from reaching through the wire and doing bad things to them.
My chickens like to be as high as they can possibly get. It's what they would do in the wild and even though they are domesticated now they still have that basic urge to get as high above predators as they can. If they have choices and they choose to roost up high, I'd let them. They know that they like. In the winter you might want to put something (sheet, plastic, etc.) over the wire behind them to 1)keep the cold breeze off them and 2)keep predator hands from reaching through the wire and doing bad things to them.
That’s true, but I think it’s best to keep the wire open for ventilation and move the chickens

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