my duck needs surgery !!!!

Aww precious.

I'd try to gradually add more soupy feed to her peas she needs more nourishment than what the peas are giving her. Or got to pet store and buy baby bird food soup it up along with smashed peas. BB food has a lot of calories which she needs right now.

So I tried this, I used chick starter feed since I have some left over and made soup with that and her peas and we ate !
I had to sit by her for her to eat but chowed down!
Awesome!!! hopefully she'll continue to eat good for you now.
Hi, my nearly 1 year old rescue duck, Lady, has a metal staple in her stomach--I don't know where she picked that up. she's been on several antibiotics and meds and was being syringe fed for 6 days at the avian/exotic pet vet hospital and brought her home on Tuesday later afternoon. The vet wanted to see if she would eat on her own in her own environment. She is eating next to nothing. The very experienced avian vet said that duck surgery is very complicated/risky with slim chance of survival. But I can't give up on her and am seriously considering the surgery.

Did your duck recover from the hernia surgery? How is she doing?
Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you so very much for responding Miss Lydia! Lady has beem on chelation therapy for a week but she is not improving and not eating :( The vet basically said take her home and lets see what happens. Do you know if Kiki to Nana's duck recovered from the surgery?
No I don't know I just looked her up though and she hasn't been on BYC since 2O23
This person has had surgery done on her duck though so you might tag her
look at post #8
thank you so very much! I am new to Backyard Chickens, not sure how this works--I googled my duck has metal in her stomach and needs surgery and thankfully found you guys! You are a God send, thank you so much for taking the time to help me!
They really are special. Last year, the poor excuse for a human who rented the house across the street from mine shot and killed her mama and her brother (it's legal in Florida). I was able to coax lady into a protected run (separated from my hens) and have been caring for her ever since, she is a sweetheart. The person rented the house from my friend who did not renew the lease and he just moved out. Fast forward 1 week and now Lady has a staple in her tummy. I am absolutely devastated and feel that if she is not eating on her and the meds are not doing anything, than it is worth the surgery as long as it will not leave her in a bad way. Waiting for the vet to call me so I can talk with him about it. I can't give up on her.

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