My duckling has a deformed leg?!

I do it was completely curled under and she was walking on top of it. I massaged it and it turned over by itself. I ended up not shoeing her because her bones it that foot don't feel right. In fact, they feel missing. Her foot has spread out today and she's getting around better. I think its a birth defect from being incubated at too low a temp. I think for a fueled leg I would try hobbleing. I use a hair s crunchie for this, twisted in the middle. I would wait 48 hours first cause sometimes these thing are malpositioning in the egg and work themselves out. After 48 hours, I would try to treat. If not treated in first week, it will surely always be this way. Even with treatment may not change. My duckling is always going to be off, but seems happy and healthy and the others are not picking on her.
I do it was completely curled under and she was walking on top of it. I massaged it and it turned over by itself. I ended up not shoeing her because her bones it that foot don't feel right. In fact, they feel missing. Her foot has spread out today and she's getting around better. I think its a birth defect from being incubated at too low a temp. I think for a fueled leg I would try hobbleing. I use a hair s crunchie for this, twisted in the middle. I would wait 48 hours first cause sometimes these thing are malpositioning in the egg and work themselves out. After 48 hours, I would try to treat. If not treated in first week, it will surely always be this way. Even with treatment may not change. My duckling is always going to be off, but seems happy and healthy and the others are not picking on her.
How do u use hair crunchie my duckling has both legs 2 days old ones a lil better then other


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If your wanting to make hobbles here is info

From @CoriM
I would buy the animal type of vitamin B complex, which you can get at Amazon or a feed store. It says injectable, but you give it orally. I ml every day over food or a treat she likes. I'm surprised that her leg just started being this way last week...make me wonder if it's an injury. Have you checked the bottom of her foot to see if there are any cuts or scabs?

I think you should hobble her and what you need to do that is 1 inch vet wrap, which is a stretchy fabric type tape that sticks to itself, not your duck. You can get it off Amazon, but in the meantime, you can also find the same material in the human first aid section at any pharmacy. You'll want someone to help hold her, supporting her body while you put a little loop of vet wrap around each leg, then cut a bigger piece and use that to go around both of the legs, sticking to those little loops, and pulling the legs into their proper position. Once you've done that, just leave it on her, possibly for several week, depending on her progress. For now keep her food and water close and keep from excess walking, but still give her exercise in the bathtub or a little pool. Just don't make her jump out of a pool or anything that could further stress her legs. When my pekin had splay leg I had to support her body after bathing while she preened because she just wasn't strong enough. You absolutely need the liquid vitamin B complex while you're doing this process, because if it's splay leg she has, her body won't recover until she gets the nutrients she needs.

If your wanting to make hobbles here is info

From @CoriM
I would buy the animal type of vitamin B complex, which you can get at Amazon or a feed store. It says injectable, but you give it orally. I ml every day over food or a treat she likes. I'm surprised that her leg just started being this way last week...make me wonder if it's an injury. Have you checked the bottom of her foot to see if there are any cuts or scabs?

I think you should hobble her and what you need to do that is 1 inch vet wrap, which is a stretchy fabric type tape that sticks to itself, not your duck. You can get it off Amazon, but in the meantime, you can also find the same material in the human first aid section at any pharmacy. You'll want someone to help hold her, supporting her body while you put a little loop of vet wrap around each leg, then cut a bigger piece and use that to go around both of the legs, sticking to those little loops, and pulling the legs into their proper position. Once you've done that, just leave it on her, possibly for several week, depending on her progress. For now keep her food and water close and keep from excess walking, but still give her exercise in the bathtub or a little pool. Just don't make her jump out of a pool or anything that could further stress her legs. When my pekin had splay leg I had to support her body after bathing while she preened because she just wasn't strong enough. You absolutely need the liquid vitamin B complex while you're doing this process, because if it's splay leg she has, her body won't recover until she gets the nutrients she needs.

Thank you so much. She is three day old today she came out of the shell like this. I believe it was malposition where her knees are. They will not bend one leg is getting a little bit more Bendy than the other but it’s stuck in that position I am going to try what you said I have the B complex she hates the taste so I’m gonna try to put it over her food because she is eating and drinking. I put a little bit in her water but I don’t know if it’s gonna be enough, it looks like she was stuck like maybe this is because of malpositioned because I could not see her feet except a little piece of her foot and it was smooshed so I just need something that’s gonna put pressure on her knees so they can be let down hopefully they can. I hope it’s not something that is like deformed and can’t go down , but her feet are curled so I’m going to try to fix that as well. She has so much life and she wants to run around with her sister so bad it’s sad. She can just kind of hobble around. I have a vet appointment for her tomorrow, but I have a feeling I already know what they’re gonna say and I don’t wanna spend $200 for Vet to tell me I need to put her down but I’m gonna take her anyway just because who knows maybe they’ll have some kind of fix I’ve been massaging the knee kind of exercises with it to see if it will loosen up a little bit so far it’s only been a tiny little bit on one leg the other leg just kind of springs up and looks very awkward
Since she is 3 days old why not let them have some swim time? You can start in the sink in nice warm water and let them float but not too deep. The warm water can relax muscles. Just stay right with them while they are in the water then pat dry with paper towels or a soft wash cloth and right back under heat this will also get them to start preening and get the preen gland up and working.
Putting this little one in warm water will also give you an idea as to how she can use her legs.
Since she is 3 days old why not let them have some swim time? You can start in the sink in nice warm water and let them float but not too deep. The warm water can relax muscles. Just stay right with them while they are in the water then pat dry with paper towels or a soft wash cloth and right back under heat this will also get them to start preening and get the preen gland up and working.
Putting this little one in warm water will also give you an idea as to how she can use her legs.
Oh wow what a amazing idea ok will do once they wake up lol

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