My first hatch

It's been a busy couple of days, but I have the results of my hatch. The last lavender orpington never made it, not a single pip. They are great looking birds so I was disappointed but oh well. Out of the 22 from meyer hatchery, 20 went into lockdown.

7 out of 8 Welsummers hatched
6 out of 7 Easter Eggers hatched
Blue andalusian hatched
Rhode Island Red hatched
Buff Orpington hatched
Black Australorp hatched

The random egg did not hatch unfortunately, so I will never know what it was. I consider myself very lucky indeed as this was my first attempt at incubating eggs. The rate from meyer was 77%, I don't know why their eggs ended up so much better than a couple of the non hatchery suppliers I bought from, packaging seemed less commercial but pretty solid (hatchery sent in foam holder, others individually wrapped eggs). I purchased some eggs semi-locally from alchemist farms a couple weeks back (4 hours away from me) and they and some quail eggs from stromberg's are due to hatch this sunday.

Various hatched chicks in incubator awaiting their siblings

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Group picture after being transferred into temp brooder

Here they are as of this morning (tuesday 11/20) 2 1/2 days after hatch. They all seem healthy so far!
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