My German Shepherd wont stop chasing and eating Chickens!!!

ANY dog? sounds like you should be a professional trainer then - or are you?
Incidentally, I've watched numerous professional dog trainers train retrievers for field trails for many years - they also could get ANY dog to retrieve ANY duck by instilling enough fear and inflicting enough pain. I watched too many dogs yell and yipe when being zapped. No thanks. One size does not fit all. It depends on what the individual is comfortable with and how much time they have to invest in training given the responsibilities of their life.
I agree. Many trainers use to much fear to teach a dog. I dislike most online dog trainers i have the few i like and watch.
I find e collars ok if used right. Oir pups are properly conditioned and its only used for offleash time. Which i normally dont even use it then.

You cant always teach every dog especially a dog thats already has the drive set.
I wouldnt ever try to take the drive out of my retriever even though he is scared of guns.

But thats my opinion to and i dont want to start anything
1. Safety is ALWAYS about management.
2. I agree with the others that you are likely going to have a tougher time with your dog now that it has successfully chased and killed BUT I do not think that this means that your dog will never be safe around your chickens.
Dogs are not robots. They do change. I have a Jack Russel. He was all about chasing and following his nose and, on the rare occasion he got loose, he did kill (at least twice that I can think of.) But he has been with me a long time and I have worked with him. He went from being totally unresponsive to my calling him; to having a decent recall; to profoundly, legitimately deaf but rarely going out of eyesight. And he has gone from hunter of animals; to investigator of animals; to occasional nosing of animals. And although he will be 17 in three weeks, it is not because he can not chase any longer (although he can not do it for very long anymore), it is because he is a different terrier then he was...
So someday, if you do the training now, even if it does not result in immediate peace, you may set yourself up for peace down the road.
Definitely start training your puppy now. As the previous poster said -- when they go towards the chicken you walk them back & as soon as they go willing with you, give them a treat or ball or whatever is good to them. You want to positively reinforce not giving the chickens attention rather than negatively reinforce giving the chickens attention (especially since it is more difficult to be precise with that association, IMO.)
Good luck.
Hi! I was wondering if y'all had any insight on this. My german shepherd loves to chase my chickens.. and she has also killed a few. We have wanted to tie one around her neck, but she eats them totally besides a few feathers before we can get to them. Well, she attacked our last rooster and we tried to save him but he sadly passed away this morning. We are wanting to tie it around her neck, but does that work??

We really like my GS but she just can not stop chasing them if they get out of their area we have blocked off for them. We also just got a puppy recently that will help her tremendously once he gets big enough. Also I work with my GS alot and play with her, just she can't seem to kick the chicken chasing.

Also we are going to secure the area more for them, so they can't get out. They have a secure coop and outside run that is enclosed but during the day they get access to a garden area the dog cannot get into, but sometimes the chickens are foraging and go through the gate (which we will be adding chicken wire to soon!)

Sorry for the word vomit. Just trying to give as much info as I can that I think might be asked!
Basically does tying the chicken around her neck actually help her stop chasing and attacking them?
I have had two different dogs that killed a chicken and I tied the dead chicken to their neck and let them wear the dead chickens for a day. The dead chickens were pretty rank at the end and once I removed the chickens the dogs never bother a chicken again. Worked great.
Hi! I was wondering if y'all had any insight on this. My german shepherd loves to chase my chickens.. and she has also killed a few. We have wanted to tie one around her neck, but she eats them totally besides a few feathers before we can get to them. Well, she attacked our last rooster and we tried to save him but he sadly passed away this morning. We are wanting to tie it around her neck, but does that work??

We really like my GS but she just can not stop chasing them if they get out of their area we have blocked off for them. We also just got a puppy recently that will help her tremendously once he gets big enough. Also I work with my GS alot and play with her, just she can't seem to kick the chicken chasing.

Also we are going to secure the area more for them, so they can't get out. They have a secure coop and outside run that is enclosed but during the day they get access to a garden area the dog cannot get into, but sometimes the chickens are foraging and go through the gate (which we will be adding chicken wire to soon!)

Sorry for the word vomit. Just trying to give as much info as I can that I think might be asked!
Basically does tying the chicken around her neck actually help her stop chasing and attacking them?
Put her/him on a leash, and walk around the chickens with her/him. If she tries to Lunge, Chase or Jump at the Chickens on the Leash. Nudge her/him in the side and say "Na" or a word or sound that Means "No you cannot do that" and don't give them a treat. If they are being Good, Nice and Calm around the chickens. Give them a treat (Clicker training is the best. I can tell you a bit about it, But i'd prefer if you looked into a dog training book, Go to AKC or Research it). If you have any Questions, Feel free to Ask them!

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