my hen can't open her mouth


11 Years
Apr 23, 2008
after I realized I got her mouth wet and she opened it a little. I did see her tongue moving after a few minutes longer but she couldn't eat or anything. What could have "glued" her mouth shut?
Could you give us more information, like the questions in the second sticky post at the top of this section of the forum? It helps us give you more accurate help.

Jaw tetany (the jaw not moving) is sometimes a symptoms of lockjaw, botulistic tetany. Does she have any wounds that could have caused this?

You'll have to dribble food loaded water into the side of her beak but if her tongue can't move, likely she won't be able to swallow.

There are a great number of diseases that cause paralysis in poultry but usually they start at the legs, etc, and if they effect the head they cause the bird not to be able to carry their head.

So if you'll answer the questions, perhaps we can better answer you. Thank you.

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