My hen is causing a disaster


Apr 6, 2024
I have two separate coops, one is with my goats and the other is plain chickens. I have this hen (she is part silkie and another breed im not familiar with) she has always been really active and never has caused any problems until now. I stared seeing her being in the nesting box ALL day. When she does come out, I see something very weird she's all fluffed up (she looks "bigger") and starts flapping her wings. She makes my other hens scared, to the point where I have to move them in fear. She has alway been a good girl, she is just so obsessed with hatching and laying eggs. I have taken the eggs from her, I have fed her in the nesting box, I don't know what else to do. Please help!
I have two separate coops, one is with my goats and the other is plain chickens. I have this hen (she is part silkie and another breed im not familiar with) she has always been really active and never has caused any problems until now. I stared seeing her being in the nesting box ALL day. When she does come out, I see something very weird she's all fluffed up (she looks "bigger") and starts flapping her wings. She makes my other hens scared, to the point where I have to move them in fear. She has alway been a good girl, she is just so obsessed with hatching and laying eggs. I have taken the eggs from her, I have fed her in the nesting box, I don't know what else to do. Please help!
Broody. Maybe get her some chicks?
I have two separate coops, one is with my goats and the other is plain chickens. I have this hen (she is part silkie and another breed im not familiar with) she has always been really active and never has caused any problems until now. I stared seeing her being in the nesting box ALL day. When she does come out, I see something very weird she's all fluffed up (she looks "bigger") and starts flapping her wings. She makes my other hens scared, to the point where I have to move them in fear. She has alway been a good girl, she is just so obsessed with hatching and laying eggs. I have taken the eggs from her, I have fed her in the nesting box, I don't know what else to do. Please help!
That's what broodies do. There's really nothing you can do about it and the rest of them should be used to it and get out of her way. I presume this is only once a day as that's all broodies ever leave the nest for, just once a day. Regardless of if she has eggs or chicks, she'll be broody for about three weeks.
Welcome to BYC. I suspect many of us are going through this with our crazy broody ladies at this time of year.
Mine is like a bat out of hell and I think is training the others to do likewise!
How long has she been broody. She may be willing to accept the babies just about to hatch as her own. Maybe.
She's broody. Do you have a rooster? Are the eggs fertile?
Yes! I do have a rooster and she is currently with him, every time she leaves the nesting box he'll fertilize her. So yes the eggs are fertile. The only reason I dont let her eggs hatch is because her mixed breed has a tendency of being aggressive and not having good temper.
Welcome to BYC. I suspect many of us are going through this with our crazy broody ladies at this time of year.
Mine is like a bat out of hell and I think is training the others to do likewise!
How long has she been broody. She may be willing to accept the babies just about to hatch as her own. Maybe.
I think she has been broody for 1.5 weeks. I have had broody hens before and I have never seen it this bad
That's what broodies do. There's really nothing you can do about it and the rest of them should be used to it and get out of her way. I presume this is only once a day as that's all broodies ever leave the nest for, just once a day. Regardless of if she has eggs or chicks, she'll be broody for about three weeks.
Okay! Thats so good to know. she does leave the nest box and does her thing. I might give her a chicke when they hatch

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