My hen left her babies


In the Brooder
Nov 9, 2023
My mama chicken hatched out 14 babies. We took her 10 put them in an brooder and left her with 4. She raised 3 and some how one passed away. For the past week the mama has been venturing further away. And the last few days she’s been squawking and putting up a fuss with them. Today I was finally sure she was ready to push them away for good. She went down to her flock and is letting our roo mount her again and isn’t protecting the babies from him or the other hens. She’s letting them fend for themselves.

I’m not sure if I should put her back in the coop with her flock or keep her in the coop we have for the babies. And I also want to put her 3 she’s left with the 10 that I have in the brooder. Their coop is finally finished I’d like to let them establish their own flock and they can integrate if they want.
I would put them all together. If they are over 4 weeks you may need to do the "see don't touch" introduction for a couple of weeks.
For future broody & chick situations, I would advise leaving them with the flock. In most cases, mama hens will protect their babies from the flock and teach them to fit in with the flock if they are raised with them from week one. It is also valuable for them to learn from the head rooster. Cockerels can gain valuable lessons from observing, and being corrected by, a good rooster.
Good luck with your new flock!

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