My leukemia's back.

Is it at least starting to soak in?
Yes, in places like the rabbitry (which is sited on some of the highest ground in our yard) the puddles have almost completely drained away. The "lake" has left a high water mark on the fence, so it is receding somewhat . . . . And we have rain in the forecast for tonight and tomorrow. I swear, this rain is beginning to take on Biblical proportions.

Hey, Noah! Have you gotten that ark finished yet? It looks like we're gonna need it!

Yes, in places like the rabbitry (which is sited on some of the highest ground in our yard) the puddles have almost completely drained away. The "lake" has left a high water mark on the fence, so it is receding somewhat . . . . And we have rain in the forecast for tonight and tomorrow. I swear, this rain is beginning to take on Biblical proportions.

Hey, Noah! Have you gotten that ark finished yet? It looks like we're gonna need it!

Lg, good news about the puppy! It's milestones like that that mean a lot.

Hope everyone's staying dry. We're gloomy and overcast but not raining, thankfully.

Finally got everything going to monitor my blood sugar and actually inject the insulin. The insurance covered the insulin pens, but not the needles to inject
. What was I supposed to do, lick it? Wal-Mart to the rescue again. My regular pharmacy wanted $44 for 100 needles. Wallys had 50 for $9. Say what you will about the Evil Empire, I just don't have the money to waste otherwise.

I've been on a crafting kick lately. I'll have to get pics up, but I made a cute little decorative wind chime from old forks, beads and fishing line. I'm not sure it would stand up to actual wind, but it can live on the sheltered porch for now. We'll see where there will be a spot for it when we move. We got our return Friday, I'll call the Realtor on Monday and have her start pulling properties for us to look at
Rachel I hope you find the perfect spot! Are you going to try to stay in the same area so the boys won't have to change schools?
Lg, good news about the puppy! It's milestones like that that mean a lot.

Hope everyone's staying dry. We're gloomy and overcast but not raining, thankfully.

Finally got everything going to monitor my blood sugar and actually inject the insulin. The insurance covered the insulin pens, but not the needles to inject
. What was I supposed to do, lick it? Wal-Mart to the rescue again. My regular pharmacy wanted $44 for 100 needles. Wallys had 50 for $9. Say what you will about the Evil Empire, I just don't have the money to waste otherwise.

I've been on a crafting kick lately. I'll have to get pics up, but I made a cute little decorative wind chime from old forks, beads and fishing line. I'm not sure it would stand up to actual wind, but it can live on the sheltered porch for now. We'll see where there will be a spot for it when we move. We got our return Friday, I'll call the Realtor on Monday and have her start pulling properties for us to look at

How exciting! I love looking at properties and I hope you find something that works great for you!
Good morning all!

Is anyone doing a big Super Bowl thing today? We're not really into sports and don't have cable to watch anyway, so we're doing our own version of SB. We have some football movies on DVD to watch and snacks to pick at so we're ready to enjoy a lazy afternoon.

Hope everyone has a good Sunday.

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