My rooster crows all day.

Mine crows when he sees something at night--he has been right on several occasions. Once I get out there at night he stops. He crows when I come home from work or when I walk away from him. He sounds like he is screaming at me, but I've noticed there is a reason behind his crows.

Interesting. I haven’t noticed a lot of rhyme nor reason to my rooster’s crowing but there is a pattern. He has become an alarm clock for both myself and my neighbor to tell us it’s time to pick the kids up from the school bus because he crows like clockwork at that time everyday.
Curious as to why you are insulating your coop? Might be a wonderful home for mice and rats if it is not done with keeping them out in mind.

My coop is an area inside an outbuilding in my yard but the walls are quite drafty. We are adding an inner wall over the insulation so rodents shouldn’t be an issue I don’t think. Our winters get down to -40 Celsius here so I think it would certainly be preferred by my gals and my noisy guy.[/QUOTE]

Just make sure that rodent can’t get in or chew through a small crack, etc. wall insulation is mighty cozy to a rodent. Chicken feed is mighty tasty to them too! But, if built with keeping the rodents out in mind, then it should be great.

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