My wife laughed at me


RIP 1938-2020
Jul 6, 2010
I was wandering around in the chicken yard this afternoon checking to see if any of the pullets had laid eggs--they like to hide them down there. First thing I know my wife is on the deck, laughing and saying "Check out behind you." I turned to see 45 chickens lined up following me where ever I went. Apparently I am the source of all things that taste good.
Mine do the same thing when I let them out after work. It's like being the Pied Piper!
I know the feeling. Some times it even creaps me out. It is like jurrasic park with the velociraptors chasing me around.
Ahhh. The love of a chicken, in my case 50. At least they care when we come home.
I guess I havent had mine long enough for them to do that; either that or they don't like me--they all scatter when I come in the kennel!
Ya'll need to get pics of your fan clubs following you around.
Mine come running when they see my walking down the deck stairs. I'm usually tripping over them trying to walk to the treat area in their run.
A friend works cleaning out chicken houses. The other day, I had to go pick up some wheat seed from the chicken farm. They just got a batch of new chicks in, & one had escaped. It came running towards me, & at that moment, my friend drove by. That little chick took off after his truck, like it was his giant mommy. It was so funny. After it ran about 50 yards, it stopped, probably tuckered out. I went & retrieved it & put it back in the chicken house.

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