My wife laughed at me

Wow, 45 chickens......... that must be a sight... lol. You should get a picture of that. My chickens will also follow me. It's like a little stampede. You can hear them coming behind you. They are like minnows..... they come out from everywhere. Yep, they are easy to trip over. I've even stepped on a few. What is really funny is they try not to pass you when you are walking. If they get just a bit ahead they drop back. What a hoot! I love the stampede sound of 15 chickens.
They are my thundering herd!! My son yells We are under attack!!!! He is four and loves to feed them scraps, if they get too pushy he just dumps the scraps and heads for the house. It's so funny to watch-he considers himself to be the master chicken catcher and catches even the biggest girls. Loves them and carries them over to me for inspection.
Don't you just love it? Your the food guy, thats for sure!! I can't even sneak out, without the girls catching a glimpse of me, to see what goodies I may have for them.
You begin to worry about what happens if you were to trip, hit your head and become unconscious. Reminds you of those stories about people dying and being eaten by their cat.

I always tell people that you do NOT want to break your ankle in a chicken run! Silly people. They think I'm kidding.
Yesterday my husband and I were thoroughly confused. We kept hearing a knock at the door, but couldn't see anyone out the peephole. It was our third trip to the door, with our dog barking like crazy, before we realized that the chickens were pecking on the front door. We had neglected to give them any treats when we let them out to free range.

Chicken: Exuse me madam sanx but i think you forgot the small fee we charge for our simple awsomeness and presence. in other words GIVE ME MY STINKIN' TREAT ALREADY Thank you that is all

You: okeyyyyyyy "Closes door" sene ends

THANK YOU THANK YOU i know my play is awsome thank you thank you

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