Names you gave to your hens, vs roosters

All mine get human names and the more old-fashioned, the better. I use a 1970s Webster Dictionary that has a list of given names and I'll browse that until I come across something that suits a particular bird.

I have nineteen birds so far, but if you would like their names, I'll gladly post them :).
I'd love to hear! (You don't have to if it's too many lol)
I'd love to hear! (You don't have to if it's too many lol)
No problem! I love listing names.

My roosters are:
Winston Churchill (Winston)
Stanislaw (Stan)
Honorius (Honor)
Liberius (Liberty) - these last two were supposed to be girls!

The hens are:
Lydwinne (Lyd)
Prudence (Prude)
Wilhelmina (Minna)
Genevieve (Jenny)
Vivienne (Viv)
Lily (Lil)
Lucy (Lu)
Ruta (Polish for Ruth, pronounced Roo-ta)
Mildred (Millie)
Lady Hawk "Lady"
Bullie "Porch Girlie"
Sky "Skylar"
Ruby "Little Flutes"
Ruby Tuesday
Big Bird
Little Chief (my roo)
Blondie "Girlie" R.I.P.
Brandy "Broodie" R.I.P.

Little Rome's
Little Sissy
Big Sissy R.I.P.
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Italics = hens
Bold = roosters
  1. Ladybird/Lid
  2. Turkey
  3. Banshee/Blini
  4. Stormcloud/Weimer
  5. Strife/Stripes
  6. Sam
  7. Termite/Motty
  8. Couch potato
  9. Couch Potato II/Pooch
  10. Phoenix/Mead
  11. Silkie/Mogus/Mo
  12. Love Bird/Dove
  13. Sweet Cheeks
  14. Dillion
  15. Emu
  16. Fudge
  17. Brownie
  18. Midnight
  19. Honey/The Coot
  20. My Wyandotte
  21. Bro’s wyandotte

  1. Raven/Rotisserie/Ugly Old Pumpkin
  2. Ashfoot/Bean
  3. Chickadee/Pigeon/Pidge/Pink Menace/Jumbo Shrimp
  4. Daffodil/Dilly
  5. Peppers/Mark 1 Mod 0 chicken
  6. Goggles/Gog Agog
  7. Root
  8. Lacy
  9. White Falcon/Falcon/Big
  10. Vanilla
  11. Ice Cream
  12. Lil’ Nappy/Napkin
  13. Feeder/Feederbird/Feeder Stuffie
  14. Baggy Maggie/Bag Mag/Bagpie
  15. Egberta/Berta
  16. Olga/Paaale Olllga
  17. Ladyfingers/Fingerbird/Fingers
  18. Capercaillie/Caper/Capey
I name my chickens using the Bible:

Speckled Sussex (bantams) hatched 2023
1. Joel (RIP)
2. Samuel (RIP)
3. Martha
4. Rahab
5. Hannah

Dominiques (bantams) hatched 2023
1. Abigail
2. Naomi
3. Tamar
4. Lydia (RIP)

Speckled Sussex (bantams) hatched 2024
1. Zacchaeus aka Zack
2. Silas
3. Esther
4. Joanna
5. Priscilla aka Prissy


Most of them ⬆️
Only ever had two roosters. Bruce, or “Brooster Rooster” who had to be rehomed to the table for his relentless aggression and was not very much missed after the fact, and Pedestrian, who’s name befit him in every way, especially after he was shot for trespassing on my neighbor’s croquet green.

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