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- #151
I believe you are right that the mothers get better over time. But I also believe that chickens are not fit to survive in many habitats. Some habitats just bc of a predator overload. Even if they are well nourished in combination of what they find and have access to safe shelter in the night what the owner or the public gives them, free ranging can be to tough.your broodies would get better at predator awareness and evasion, and pass on their increased and improving knowledge to their chicks, if you let them range. We have crows amongst other predators and have not lost a chick to them in years, despite being out free ranging as soon as the broody brings them off the nest (typically at 2 days old).
Some breeds do better in surviving than others of course. But there are surely habitats where even the best heritage breeds and mixes wouldn’t live long as a group or a tribe due to predation.
And experiencing many losses is for most people a good reason to keep their flock more secure.