Natural ways to get Vit B for my chickens?


In the Brooder
Jan 4, 2023
I've noticed a general lack of Vit B in most feeds sold here, already tried two brands with similar results.

I used to have a lot of issues with chickens becoming lethargic or having progressively paralyzed legs/wings/necks. Ever since I started adding Vit B Complex to their water these issues have disappeared.
I've been using some Rooster Booster Poultry Cell and the Vit B12 mixes in the water and they're certainly effective... But they're quite pricey here. They're import products so they're certainly priced-up.

In the long run, I'd prefer to use something more natural (and hopefully cheaper) as a way to get those vitamins in.
I tried giving them Nutritional Yeast which is often fortified with B12 but they just wouldn't take to it, even sprinkled on eggs they'd just do their damnedest to eat around it.
Oh that’s tough if they pick around nutritional yeast… because that’s my only suggestion 😂 wondering if you soak a pan of feed, and mix in some nutritional yeast if they would eat it? You probably don’t want to do that for the long run though.
I just drop a human grade vitamin B tablet in their water. Not perfect but never had issues with my gosling.
That's a good point. If it's hard to get a vitamin supplement that is marketed for livestock, it might be easier & cheaper to get one marketed for humans.

I imagine a liquid form might be even more convenient than a tablet, if one is available.
the OP specifically said
In the long run, I'd prefer to use something more natural (and hopefully cheaper) as a way to get those vitamins in.
so NOT a supplement tablet or liquid; they want a vit B rich food. Liver is the best you can get.
the OP specifically said

so NOT a supplement tablet or liquid; they want a vit B rich food. Liver is the best you can get.
Yes, I saw that. As a long-term goal, natural is what they are asking for.

But they also mentioned cost, so suggesting possibly-cheaper supplements seems useful too. At present they are using not-natural AND expensive. Improving either point would be good, improving both points would be better yet.

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