Necrotic tissue on leg

I've trimmed her claw a little more now and it looks like a normalish length now. I've started giving her some metacam to try and reduce the swelling a bit more. She's been very active this evening hopping around my living room! She does seem to be trying to move her leg forward more than I've seen her do it so I'm hoping she will keep improving. I can feel her tendons moving under the skin on her foot and leg too.
I've trimmed her claw a little more now and it looks like a normalish length now. I've started giving her some metacam to try and reduce the swelling a bit more. She's been very active this evening hopping around my living room! She does seem to be trying to move her leg forward more than I've seen her do it so I'm hoping she will keep improving. I can feel her tendons moving under the skin on her foot and leg too.
:fl I'm hoping she continues to improve!
How is she going @CCUK ?
She's doing fine! Even better than that....she layed an egg today!! :wee

I'm not sure when she last layed but this came as a really nice surprise! She spent all weekend in the garden but comes in at night. She's hopping around my living room at the moment terrorising the kids and looking for food, which is quite funny!
She still doesn't seem to be able to open her foot though. Do you think I should try and splint it open?
She does have plenty of feathers coming through!
You could try splinting it, but...with new feather grow coming in, that may be tricky, plus it might be painful(?)

She is still really swollen, so I'm thinking if you did wrap it, you would want to unwrap every few days to may sure she's not swelling more/readjust the wrapping.
She does have plenty of feathers coming through!
You could try splinting it, but...with new feather grow coming in, that may be tricky, plus it might be painful(?)

She is still really swollen, so I'm thinking if you did wrap it, you would want to unwrap every few days to may sure she's not swelling more/readjust the wrapping.
I was thinking of just wrapping the toe kind of like you do for curled toes on chicks. It straightens out mostly but I can feel her pulling it back closed. She has been scratching around in the garden but she is using the top of her foot. Even if she can't walk properly on her leg if her toes are open it will make things alot more comfortable for her.

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