Need a name for my Welsummer chick

pips&peeps :


K--I am stealing that name. My new peep shall be named WILLY!! ha ha.

I am thinking I like Ginger. Does she look like a ginger? My Welsummer's name is Comet. I got her for X-mas. My son named her. Do you have kids? Ask them, they seem to always come up with the best ideas.
hmmm . . .

I like Sundance and Sienna--but I'm lazy about names, so how would I shorten them??

I also like Lillith--and I'd call her Lily.

Like Terra, too!!

Wilhelmina's out. My son's name is Will (and although he hates it, I often call him Willy).

My kids come up with really horrendous names. Like Bruiser and Destroyer.

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