Need advice for my hen


Apr 17, 2023
Pacific Northwest
I have a Buckeye who’s in a hard molt. She has areas of no feathers, so I’ve been worried about her getting too cold. Temps down to 40 at night. I’ve been watching her, and I noticed she was looking a little lethargic. She did not join the flock for the scratch treat, and I pulled her inside to observe two days ago, and to keep warm. First day she seemed fine , eating well. Today - not so much, and her droppings have turned greenish, and starting to smell off.
I’m worried there’s more than a hard molt going on. I was going to start treating for vent gleet in the morning, after doing some research. Does that make sense?
About 6 months ago, she had a soft shell egg that she didn’t clear. Broke and stuck inside. I treated her with antibiotics for peritonitis. She recovered and has seemed ok - but I thought perhaps this might be related somehow. Probably not - but thought I’d mention it.
If anyone has any ideas or advice, it would be welcomed. Thanks for reading all this.
Vent gleet is like a yeast infection, and nothing you've said sounds like a symptom of it, which is usually a stinky white discharge all over their rear ends.

They can get green poop if they aren't eating or not eating much, and a hard molt can cause that. Try scrambled eggs as she should eat those and needs more protein now anyway.

Since she's naked, I'd keep her in if it gets that cold because when they have feathers coming in, they won't snuggle as that hurts. This could take weeks so maybe you'd want to get her a Cozy Coop panel heater she could stand by if she's cold.

You could give her probiotics if you think it's vent gleet and that'll start fighting it.

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