I have 7 3 week old chicks that are quickly outgrowing the small brooder in my basement and I'm trying to get them moved to the larger (8x4?) brooder in the garage. But I'm having a hard time stabilizing the temperature.
When I set it up on Friday it was 60° outside and the temp directly under the heat lamp was 146°!! Raised the heat lamp to on top of the brooder and the temperature dropped to low-mid 50's Saturday (high in the low 30's). Last night (low of 27°) we moved the heatlamp back into the brooder and covered that half with an old comforter. Tracking temps with an ink bird, overnight temps were in the 120's directly under the heat lamp. Moved the thermometer about a foot and a half out from the heat lamp and now temp is about 51°
I'm at a bit of a loss on what to do here. I don't want to cook my nuggets, but I don't want them to get too cold either. Temps are supposed to warm up a little, but they're still calling for wintery mix/snow on Wednesday and the overnight lows are going to be 30's and 40's or lower for the foreseeable future. Do we leave the lamp in the brooder and trust the chicks to find the comfort zone on their own? Keep them in the basement until the absolutely won't fit in that brooder anymore? Move the lamp back to the top of the brooder and hope they don't get too chilled overnight? Put them in the garage during the day and bring them inside at sundown? Help please!
When I set it up on Friday it was 60° outside and the temp directly under the heat lamp was 146°!! Raised the heat lamp to on top of the brooder and the temperature dropped to low-mid 50's Saturday (high in the low 30's). Last night (low of 27°) we moved the heatlamp back into the brooder and covered that half with an old comforter. Tracking temps with an ink bird, overnight temps were in the 120's directly under the heat lamp. Moved the thermometer about a foot and a half out from the heat lamp and now temp is about 51°
I'm at a bit of a loss on what to do here. I don't want to cook my nuggets, but I don't want them to get too cold either. Temps are supposed to warm up a little, but they're still calling for wintery mix/snow on Wednesday and the overnight lows are going to be 30's and 40's or lower for the foreseeable future. Do we leave the lamp in the brooder and trust the chicks to find the comfort zone on their own? Keep them in the basement until the absolutely won't fit in that brooder anymore? Move the lamp back to the top of the brooder and hope they don't get too chilled overnight? Put them in the garage during the day and bring them inside at sundown? Help please!