Need help! What is my roosters breed? 😁

I'm so new to this,I'm not sure if I'm replying to 1 person or 2. Anyhoo, thank you both so much for the welcome. I really appreciate it. I could use all the help I can get,and hope I get to do the same for others as well.
He is the male counterpart of the production hybrid hens I see in your picture.

As almost every hatchery has created their own name for them, there is not really a breed name.
Right, that's funny. No, he was not hatched on our farm. We actually bought a bunch of chicks 1 year at a farm/feed store and ended up with a couple roosters. Actually it was Joe, and His twin Brother Moe they were suppose to be females. We were suppose to get Easter eggers and something else.

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