Need help with inner membrane trouble...

You know, I hadn't even thought about that... I might have to keep an eye on them from now on because that does make a lot of sense... Unfortunately, this time it does not apply... I still had pieces of the shell and although there were a few "dots", it wasn't mottled like a porous egg would be... There has to be another reason... But, I do think you may be on to something with that....

Oh.... As for there only being two membranes, that part is correct... But the inner membrane is not the albumen... I've done enough eggtopsies... lol... There is the otter membrane that is like a white skin just under the shell and then there is another membrane that surrounds the chick... This membrane is clear and is what all the blood vessels run through... It's like an embryonic sac and is very thin... Inside that, you have the albumen, chick and yolk...

Just food for though...
(not literally of course!)

Saw your comment and wondering if I can pick your brain on this

I have some goose eggs that's hatching. One of them has been chirping for 2 days with no signs of external pip... So I opened a safety hole and left it for a.while but still no progress so I opened a little more and noticed that there are veins so left it at that.

That layer looks like it's stuck on the gosling. Is it okay ?
I rubbed some coconut oil in it to keep it moist. Am I doing the right thing ?

Thank you
Saw your comment and wondering if I can pick your brain on this

I have some goose eggs that's hatching. One of them has been chirping for 2 days with no signs of external pip... So I opened a safety hole and left it for a.while but still no progress so I opened a little more and noticed that there are veins so left it at that.

That layer looks like it's stuck on the gosling. Is it okay ?
I rubbed some coconut oil in it to keep it moist. Am I doing the right thing ?

Thank you

If they are on hatch day or after, sometimes even the smallest dip in temp can delay the hatch.. Keep your humidity up. You can use a bottle with a very fine mist, and mist 3-4 times a day or wet a paper towel (squeeze most of the water out) and wrap the egg, leaving the hole you opened exposed a bit.. Check for any progress tomorrow.. Hatching takes a lot of energy, and typically they pip the air cell, rest, pip the outer shell, rest, and then rest during and after zipping.. If there is no progress, you can very gently chip a small bit of shell off.. I prefer to use a wet paper towel over misting, because even if you take the egg out, it will still be wrapped in moisture... If you see ANY blood at all, stop and put it back in the incubator..

Even helping (which is a touchy subject for some), can be a lengthy process.. One of 3 things are happening.. 1. It's resting and there should be progress by tomorrow.. 2. It's shrink wrapped, and can't move, and you will have to step in the help slowly.. 3. The gosling has a deformity or is in a bad position in the egg, and cannot hatch properly.. In the third case, prepare yourself in case you need to cull it after it hatches.. One other thing.. If you need to help, be very careful as the yolk may still be absorbing.. If it is not absorbed, other gosling or even dragging it on the incubator floor can pull the little ones intestines out...

Keep me updated on how the little one does!
If they are on hatch day or after, sometimes even the smallest dip in temp can delay the hatch.. Keep your humidity up. You can use a bottle with a very fine mist, and mist 3-4 times a day or wet a paper towel (squeeze most of the water out) and wrap the egg, leaving the hole you opened exposed a bit.. Check for any progress tomorrow.. Hatching takes a lot of energy, and typically they pip the air cell, rest, pip the outer shell, rest, and then rest during and after zipping.. If there is no progress, you can very gently chip a small bit of shell off.. I prefer to use a wet paper towel over misting, because even if you take the egg out, it will still be wrapped in moisture... If you see ANY blood at all, stop and put it back in the incubator..

Even helping (which is a touchy subject for some), can be a lengthy process.. One of 3 things are happening.. 1. It's resting and there should be progress by tomorrow.. 2. It's shrink wrapped, and can't move, and you will have to step in the help slowly.. 3. The gosling has a deformity or is in a bad position in the egg, and cannot hatch properly.. In the third case, prepare yourself in case you need to cull it after it hatches.. One other thing.. If you need to help, be very careful as the yolk may still be absorbing.. If it is not absorbed, other gosling or even dragging it on the incubator floor can pull the little ones intestines out...

Keep me updated on how the little one does!
Thanks for the reply
I'm pretty certain that the gosling is in bad position.
After I opened the safety hole this morning , I peeled back a little bit shell and there was blood so I stopped, dried up blood with paper towel and put it back with paper towel wrapped like a donut under it.
I peeled back a little more on the side ( where the Air cell is ) and I can see the inner membrane is stuck on the gosling but the part I peeled off the shell I can see there are still slight veins on the inner membrane. I dabbed the inner membrane with a little bit coconut oil just so it stays moist.

I'm planning on leaving him there for now till tomorrow morning if the blood veins are gone, I may assist further.

It is really hard to decide what to do or which way to peel as I cant see where his head is... I'm kinda thinking about peeling off more on the air cell side just to see what position he is in

Hopefully he will be fine till I get to him again tomorrow morning

I'll keep you updated

Thank you
Thanks for the reply
I'm pretty certain that the gosling is in bad position.
After I opened the safety hole this morning , I peeled back a little bit shell and there was blood so I stopped, dried up blood with paper towel and put it back with paper towel wrapped like a donut under it.
I peeled back a little more on the side ( where the Air cell is ) and I can see the inner membrane is stuck on the gosling but the part I peeled off the shell I can see there are still slight veins on the inner membrane. I dabbed the inner membrane with a little bit coconut oil just so it stays moist.

I'm planning on leaving him there for now till tomorrow morning if the blood veins are gone, I may assist further.

It is really hard to decide what to do or which way to peel as I cant see where his head is... I'm kinda thinking about peeling off more on the air cell side just to see what position he is in

Hopefully he will be fine till I get to him again tomorrow morning

I'll keep you updated

Thank you

Slowly is the best way to do it, and it sounds like you're doing just that!
He hatched but was not in good condition
He couldn't stand up and neck was bend...
I had a friend who would hand raise him but he didn't make it to the destination :(
Tho I just had another goose hatched
It was a staggered hatch
He hatched but was not in good condition
He couldn't stand up and neck was bend...
I had a friend who would hand raise him but he didn't make it to the destination :(
Tho I just had another goose hatched
It was a staggered hatch
So sorry to hear about the little one.. Sometimes nature knows, but when incubating them, we never know if it's because of the chick not being viable or something that happened during the hatching process.. It's definitely a learning experience.. Happy you have another little one to care for though! Best of luck for all your future hatches!
So sorry to hear about the little one.. Sometimes nature knows, but when incubating them, we never know if it's because of the chick not being viable or something that happened during the hatching process.. It's definitely a learning experience.. Happy you have another little one to care for though! Best of luck for all your future hatches!
I knew when I started incubating that those eggs are not in their best condition. But I figured I'll give them a try. Tho next time i would be more careful with them as this time I was kinda half paying attention to them and didn't get around to cool and mist on day 10 onwards.

One of my geese who is sitting on eggs hatched 5 this morning lol so I stole one from them to keep mine company
I think I got female and the one I stole is a male ( they are mainly pilgrim geese and I think mixed with Chinese )

We are going to keep the two but I'm trying to figure what's the best way to take them from the mama

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