So we live in the city in a regular suburban neighborhood with 6" privacy fences. We are letting our 3 chickens free range inside our yard (they get safely locked in a coop/run at night). We had no idea our neighbor even had a dog until today, when I noticed a hole developing under the fence and a set of paws frantically digging near where the chickens were pecking around. From what I could tell the dog is a medium/large size so I don't know how long it would take for it to dig a hole big enough to really get under the fence, but it is scaring me.
We don't know these neighbors but suspect them to be unsavory people, so I'm not too sure whether I'd want to go talk to them... any suggestions (ideally nothing electrical) for either deterring the dog or fortifying the fence? (without making the fence look ugly)
We don't know these neighbors but suspect them to be unsavory people, so I'm not too sure whether I'd want to go talk to them... any suggestions (ideally nothing electrical) for either deterring the dog or fortifying the fence? (without making the fence look ugly)