Neighbors dogs in coop. UPDATE! 2nd time. 911/charges/court today

Ever smell the deer repellent spray they sell for your garden? The stuff reeks of rotten eggs and fish guts.
The only problem with that is that you either have to put your own safety at risk by trying to grab a strange dog in a killing frenzy or let it continue to kill your own animals while you wait for the authorities. The other problem is that the dog might get away and then come back and kill again. The reality is that, when dog owners don't confine their dogs, they put other animal owners in the unfortunate situation of having to decide which animals get to live, the roaming dogs or their own. Personally, if it's up to me, I will choose to let my pets live. Any livestock or pet killing dog on my property will be shot, and it will be the dog owner's fault. I know it's not the dog's fault. It's not my fault either, nor is it the fault of any livestock or pets on my property. I wish people would just shoot or rehome their own dogs if they they think so little of them to let them roam.

I agree when you catch the dog in action. I've meant that I would contact the owner if the dog is near or around and leaves. That way the owner has a choice and can take action. Fair warning. Once the dog is attacking your life stock then you have no other choice. I also agree on the part that I would not try to catch a mad dog. I've seen the damage it can do. A past neighbor tried to catch a dog and lost the motion in one of her hand due to severe nerve damage caused by a biting dog. The other hand needed over a year to regain motion.
Very interesting thread to read. I hope to that Chickfilhay gets a ruling in their favor in court plus some non-civil charges against the dog owner in court.

This is not too uncommon here in south Florida. A few years ago our vet's livestock was attacked and killed (4 goats, 3 sheep were killed, a few others were injured - some had to be put down) by a pack of poorly owned rottweiler-mixes (owner kept them in a 6' tall pen (no roof) all day, and this wasn't the first time they got out (thank god she wasn't outside with her baby when that happened!).

Anything I can say has already been said and you've shown some great restraint. I know my wife wouldn't be hesitating to go to court, press charges, and file complaints about the dog owner with every agency she can. We also have a similar issue with neighborhood cats trying to get to our chickens and quail, luckily I can use bungee cords to hold the hutches closed so they can't get in.

As much as I love animals, I agree, you should have the right to defend your property and animals, if the dogs are threatening them, shoot to kill. (of course too bad it is illegal to pepper spray the owner for being such an irresponsible jack&&& with his dogs).
In Los Angeles there is a leash law so if a dog is on your property uninvited the owner gets fined and held accountable for any damage. Good Luck and sorry about your babies.
Sorry I couldnt get back to you all. My computer was down and have been very busy indeed.
About 2 weeks ago we had another attack from the same dogs. My husband came home from work at @9am to find my neighbors dogs in the yard. One had my guinea in its mouth.
DH managed to catch him and place him in the dog pen.
This time he called 911 and animal control....Meanwhile the neighbor drives down the driveway asking DH if he had his dogs. And noticed his dog in our pen. As if he owned the place he started to make his way onto our property to retrieve his dog.
DH stood his ground and told him if he took another step that he was trespassing. This made him angry and yelled at my DH that he was going to call the sherif. ( who was on the way) When the sherif and animal control came he had the nerve (In front of the sherif) to say that that guinea had been dead for a long time. Rigormortise hadn't even set in yet! Thats when the police and the animal control officer laid into him. I only wish I had been there. Sadly we lost more birds. But this time animal control brought him up on charges and so did the sherif.
Today DH went to court. It lasted about 14 minutes. Apparently the neighbor brought a lawyer $$, When the hearing started my Dh told his side and the neighbor plead guilty. Case closed the county WON!
He got the max fine and had to pay his lawyer and court costs.
DH and I are considering taking it further. But are enjoying the fact that it might be over. Will let you know what happens next in this saga. PEACE!

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