Neighbors' Pesky Dogs and Invisible Fence

Ok, so I also live in the stix, have a neighbor next door, and I have an electric fence. So here are my thoughts. First, I HATE aggressive dogs. Mine is 100% non aggressive, but I will try to be diplomatic.

If they have installed a real invisible fence (underground) then they truly can’t move it. It would cost like $1,000. If they have a ‘radius’ fence, then you should be very concerned because those break constantly.

Once you develop a good relationship with the owners (they’re new?) then maybe you can mention your concern about their dog and see where it goes.

I don’t think you can ask them to move their fence when it is on their property and there has never been an incident. This is sad but I think it’s true. One of the benefits of country living is doing whatever you want in your property.

Again, I hate aggressive dogs and I am so sorry for your plight.
It's a radius fence and some of that radius actually crosses our driveway for one of the dogs (not sure why only one dog can come onto our yard... but glad it's the less aggressive seeming one!). Or fear is that if they bring in the radius the dogs will be so used to the old one they'll bust through it--which would make things far worse.

I hate aggressive dogs, too. Never really been around one like this before, though I was bitten by a child (which makes me a bit more nervous than the average person constantly walking by a dog that wants to make you into chop suey). I'm used to neighborhood dogs with intimidating barks doing their typical barking dog thing, but this is a whole new level. Never seen body language like this before.
Maybe ask the neighbor if they would consider putting up an actual fence that you would help pay for or help construct. Thats what my neighbor and I did and it has worked well. We used wooden posts, horse wire and put boards on top and bottom. It’s a nice looking fence that doesn’t block anyone’s view.
There are three of us in a little nook, so maybe even my other neighbors and ourselves can pitch in for the fence of the 3rd neighbor (with the aggressive dogs). The other neighbors have also shared concerns about the aggressive dogs--they also own two friendly dogs that each have gotten bitten by the aggressive one. They also have two toddlers, but luckily they know to stay far away from that side of the yard. Because kids are involved here, and tons of poultry, these neighbors have made it quite clear that dog would be done for if it does ever cross into their property (they pack heat).

It just feels like a ticking time bomb of a situation...
It's a radius fence and some of that radius actually crosses our driveway for one of the dogs (not sure why only one dog can come onto our yard... but glad it's the less aggressive seeming one!). Or fear is that if they bring in the radius the dogs will be so used to the old one they'll bust through it--which would make things far worse.

I hate aggressive dogs, too. Never really been around one like this before, though I was bitten by a child (which makes me a bit more nervous than the average person constantly walking by a dog that wants to make you into chop suey). I'm used to neighborhood dogs with intimidating barks doing their typical barking dog thing, but this is a whole new level. Never seen body language like this before.
Ok that all makes sense. I wouldn’t be concerned about the old radius once it’s moved. Have the neighbor tell you when the move it and give it a few days. Make sure it’s up to it’s highest and it will train the dog quickly. I am more concerned about the safety of radius boxes in general because they suck.
I cant even imagine having to endure the situation you have described. And, every post u add describes even more distressing info than before. I Iive in the sticks too, & certainly there is no "animal control" out here, other than livestock owners taking care of nuisance animals with guns, using the sss method if necessary. A shame that u may need to carry a firearm to walk to your mailbox, but maybe that is ultimately the best idea if no better fence solution can be found. But even if u never need to use the gun, the daily emotional stress is surely tormenting. Re using a stun gun, i realized the zapping sound would scare your dog too, so maybe not a great idea after all. Re bear/pepper spray, i think that would work better.
Just make sure the wind direction is not blowing toward u, or pepper spray could end up in Your/your dogs face. Some pepper "spray" actually comes in the form of foam, meaning it shoots further before dispersing.Spray/foam with a laser pointer helps accuracy too. However, after the recent descriptive info u have added, and fact that you live in the country and CAN carry a gun, thats what I'D do if i were you. (Until the fence issue is hopefully resolved). Forget stun guns, bear spray, baseball bats, or any other nonlethal weapon. If u dont own a gun,a problem may be that AMMO is currently so hard to find. I have been seeing more 9mm ammo in gun stores lately than any other type, but that may vary by state/region for all i know. Again, so very very sorry u r dealing with this. Even tho i would be carrying a hand gun whenever in proximity to the dangerous dog(s), situation would still Totally ruin my quiet peaceful country living. And knowing there are toddlers neighbors to those dogs is very scary too. Even if the kids are taught and Heed instructions to stay far away, the kids may end up having instilled within them a lifelong fear of dogs. Which would be such a shame, since most dogs are awesome! Keep us updated. Am hoping u soon find a FENCE solution to restore your peace of mind.
The behavior you are describing sounds to me like prey drive. Does he act the same way when it just you vs you and your dog? You say he has bitten both of the neighbor's dogs, did they go into his yard? Could be he's very dog aggressive and maybe, hopefully, not so human aggressive.
With your new details I think this situation is beyond you simply carrying bear spray or gun or whatever, and no one should have to live like that. You and your other neighbors really need to get together with the third neighbor and find a collective permanent solution to this problem.
The other neighbors have also shared concerns about the aggressive dogs--they also own two friendly dogs that each have gotten bitten by the aggressive one.

Your profile says you live in Virginia.

Virgina's Dangerous Dog Law is here:

Biting another dog is enough to qualify that dog as "dangerous," if there was a serious injury to the bitten dog, and if the dog that got bitten was not on the property where the aggressive dog lives.

There's a series of procedures to follow, but it can end with the owner being legally required to keep the dog either indoors, or in a locked physical fence.

Basically, if you and your neighbors are willing to go to some bother, it can be possible to legally force the owner to address the issue, depending on whether the dog has done any of the specific things listed in that section. It would require involving either the police or animal control.

Or I suppose you could just call the police and try to get them to send an officer out to investigate--if the dog charges the police officer, he would probably shoot the dog in self defence, and that might be the end of the matter.
I seriously understand hating confrontation and wanting positive relationships with the neighbors, but it sounds like you have tried civil and those dogs could kill you, so I think you have to be forceful and make it clear that you have the right to shoot the dogs if they are coming at you on your property. :/

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