Who knows what goes in these birds heads.Nope, unfortunately she has had a thing about putting eggs in weird places since she first started laying several weeks ago. First I tried adding a new, curtain-less box in an area where I was finding little pullet eggs in the shavings; the curtains were a second step.
I thought the curtains would work faster than this because she and another pullet have been escaping past me when I go in/out and they very deliberately look for any awful dark hole they can squeeze into - more than once I've had to grab their little tails just as they're about to dart into something bad. A few times they've slipped past when it was too muddy for me to keep up so I grabbed my alpha roo and launched him out the door after them (which did actually work; he's a smart boy). One of those two pullets is now laying in the curtained box and seems less inclined to running off...really hoping the other one takes a liking to the curtains soon. I've never had pullets act like this before.
Multiple times since putting the curtain on - she's quite determined so far not to sit in there for more than a brief time. She makes what seems like happy noises for a bit and shuffles around inside, and then if I go to leave she slides back out. There's also a ceramic egg in there even when there aren't everyone else's eggs.