Neurodivergent chicken keepers

Hi all. Before i go any further with this let me explain what this is about and why you may want to consider hopping on the thread.

This thread is for neurodivergent chicken keepers, which means essentially people who think a little differently then others. Autism, OCD, ADHD, etc. It’s made with the intentions of sharing your experiences owning chickens being neurodivergent and knowing your not alone. With that being said, this doesn’t mean you need to be neurodivergent to be on this thread! Even if you are, you do not need to feel the need to explain what you might have, or even talk about it at all. I’m aware that sometimes it can make people uncomfortable to discuss about these types of things and feel that they should describe what they have but it’s important to have awareness, so with that said, if you feel uncomfortable in anyway sharing, please, don’t. There is nothing wrong with watching the thread and not even typing. You don’t need to feel pressured to describe what you have, either, but if you would like to do that feel free. I made this with the intentions of feeling comfortable that you are not alone, and to just chat to others about things like chickens, ducks, whatever!
I have ADHD. Got really hyperfixated on chickens when I was diagnosed with a chronic illness a while ago, so I’m just stuck at home with nothing to do.
Wish I chose a cheaper hobby 🤦‍♀️
I have ADHD. Got really hyperfixated on chickens when I was diagnosed with a chronic illness a while ago, so I’m just stuck at home with nothing to do.
Wish I chose a cheaper hobby 🤦‍♀️
Honestly chickens are a good hobby even with the expenses, my mom had been recently retired and that pretty much scrambled her. But the chickens actually kept her steady with our first flock.

Sometimes just being with the birds is really relaxing! Also welcome :]
Oh my goodness my people!

I am not diagnosed but I am like 99.99% certain I am autistic. I'm so much of stickler for rules that without an official diagnosis, I feel like I have to explain that. Yeah. I am dx'd with depression, anxiety, OCD, and trichotillomania (an obsessive need to pull my own hair out). It's taken A LOT of work to get a solid handle on my mental health and neurodivergence.

Oddly, what got me to understand that I'm on the spectrum was my kids. They're both dx'd with autism and ADHD and I look at them and think "oh wow, that's me"

Anyway, hi! Glad I found this thread!
I've just been diagnosed with Bipolar 1. I feel I am autistic as well and just good at masking it. The dr that did my diagnoses advised me once we get the Bipolar under-control and I'm going to a therapist regularly we will find out if I am.

Looking back on my life growing up I'm pretty sure I am. But she did bring up HSP(Highly Sensitive Person) as a possibility as well. It matches a lot of what I do and feel as well. Once I get going on sessions I shall find out for sure and that will make me feel better as well.
Oh my goodness my people!

I am not diagnosed but I am like 99.99% certain I am autistic. I'm so much of stickler for rules that without an official diagnosis, I feel like I have to explain that. Yeah. I am dx'd with depression, anxiety, OCD, and trichotillomania (an obsessive need to pull my own hair out). It's taken A LOT of work to get a solid handle on my mental health and neurodivergence.

Oddly, what got me to understand that I'm on the spectrum was my kids. They're both dx'd with autism and ADHD and I look at them and think "oh wow, that's me"

Anyway, hi! Glad I found this thread!
fun fact, ASD is also highly genetic, as well as commonly co-occurring with ADHD!

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