Never in my life have I seen this…..


15 Years
Jul 27, 2009
Prolapse??? Gone REAL BAAAD? There is no other signs of a predator attack. No feathers pulled and scattered. A piece of her bone is just fell off. Obviously euthanasia is the answer. But any ideas of what could cause this …. Other than a predator of course. Got stuck in something. I have no idea where or what? Prolapse? She keeps going to the nesting box. She is separated. Just discovered her.
Prolapse??? Gone REAL BAAAD? There is no other signs of a predator attack. No feathers pulled and scattered. A piece of her bone is just fell off. Obviously euthanasia is the answer. But any ideas of what could cause this …. Other than a predator of course. Got stuck in something. I have no idea where or what? Prolapse? She keeps going to the nesting box. She is separated. Just discovered her. View attachment 4035259View attachment 4035261
That is a severe prolapse, it looks like other hens may have pecked at her prolapse and pulled her intestines out. She needs to be euthanized ASAP, I’m sorry
That is a severe prolapse, it looks like other hens may have pecked at her prolapse and pulled her intestines out. She needs to be euthanized ASAP, I’m sorry
That’s what I was coming back to say… Maybe a prolapse and the others had picked at her. I was watering and heard a squawk and turned around in a guinea was going after her. God, I always have my husband do this but there’s no way I’m going to wait till he gets home. That is just horrible. Thank you for your input kind of what I thought.
That’s what I was coming back to say… Maybe a prolapse and the others had picked at her. I was watering and heard a squawk and turned around in a guinea was going after her. God, I always have my husband do this but there’s no way I’m going to wait till he gets home. That is just horrible. Thank you for your input kind of what I thought.
I’m very sorry you and your hen need to go through this ☹️
Just seeing the tag. Sorry about your hen, but she has prolapsed and I can see her oviduct and possibly her intestines. It looks like the whole cloaca came out and the chickens or the Guinea pulled out the rest. She definitely needs to be put down since she will suffer pain and severe infection, and have a terrible death. You may need to separate the aggressor and watch the flock’s behavior carefully for any further vent pecking.

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