New and clueless in Dallas


Sep 9, 2020
Dallas, Tx
Hi! I’m Cortney and I have no idea what I’m doing. I have just started to try to homestead (started gardening in March but that’s as far into it as I am) and I’m looking to add chickens next. I have zero idea where to even begin with adding chickens, so I’m just looking for those with decent temperament that are generous egg producers that could be free range or contained. I’d happily house them in a barn/shed. We currently have a family of 4 but would like to have surplus, as my youngest likes to bake a lot. We also could sell eggs, but that’s not my initial intent.

Overall I’m just getting started in my research and looking for guidance as to how to begin with minimal casualties! Great to be here :)
Do you want yard pretties, or real working girls?
If you're wanting a lot of eggs for the least amount of feed, go with white leghorns.
Rhode Islands make a decent layer, grow to a good table size, and are some of the toughest chickens alive for survival.
If you want a self perpetuating flock, make sure to pick a bed that hadn't had the broody gene bred out.
Almost forgot, ALWAYS get more chickens than you original planned on, things happen.
Glad you're here
Thank you! I’m so excited to have found the community! I really don’t want to necessarily fall in love with the chickens, as they may meet an unfortunate demise :( I really want working girls who are hardy. But, I do have a huge heart, and if I fall in love, then I really can’t imagine hurting them. I’m a softie. Thanks for such a warm welcome :)

Do you want yard pretties, or real working girls?
If you're wanting a lot of eggs for the least amount of feed, go with white leghorns.
Rhode Islands make a decent layer, grow to a good table size, and are some of the toughest chickens alive for survival.
If you want a self perpetuating flock, make sure to pick a bed that hadn't had the broody gene bred out.
Almost forgot, ALWAYS get more chickens than you original planned on, things happen.
Glad you're here

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