New chicken coop is finished!


10 Years
Feb 25, 2014
Templeton, CA

I have been a long-time lurker on the site, and have learned a ton from all the different posts. I just finished my new chicken coop and am pretty excited about it. It was a lot more work than I expected, but I think it paid off. The girls move in tomorrow…
Nice job but I agree on lowering the roosts, I can see you have them quite a bit above the nests but they simply need to be higher than nests, not a lot higher. Like I'd move it down to closer where the pink line is:

Also the laddered roosts look too steeply stacked on top of one another, you want them roughly a minimum of 12" from the wall, and then 14-16" horizontally from roost to the next roost.
I have Dominique’s, Spanish, Blue Polish, Salmon Favorelles, Crevecoeurs, and Black Copper Marans. They have been hanging out in the rafters of my barn, which are 15’ up, for a month, so I figured they’d by be happy at 6’. I’ll keep an eye on them to see and lower the roosts if they aren’t happy. There’s a 10” horizontal offset and a 10” vertical offset of the roosts. I can easily add a couple of inches in every dimension. Thanks for the suggestions.
I have Dominique’s, Spanish, Blue Polish, Salmon Favorelles, Crevecoeurs, and Black Copper Marans. They have been hanging out in the rafters of my barn, which are 15’ up, for a month, so I figured they’d by be happy at 6’. I’ll keep an eye on them to see and lower the roosts if they aren’t happy. There’s a 10” horizontal offset and a 10” vertical offset of the roosts. I can easily add a couple of inches in every dimension. Thanks for the suggestions.
I'm guessing they are younger birds? As they get older and more filled out the favorelles and marans especially may be more prone to foot and leg injury.
It really is a gorgeous coop!

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